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The Near Future – My Prescience-2024

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    Nat Quinn

    Will Keys

    My primary intellectual orientation is to compose with a forward-looking perspective, wherein the objective is to remain ahead of global developments and anticipate their potential implications on a geopolitical scale. This approach often necessitates a degree of audacity and may not consistently align with popular sentiment.

    Nonetheless, one must acknowledge the talents bestowed upon them, and in my case, it is the faculty of prescience. If I may be permitted to assert, my prescient insights have demonstrated a remarkable degree of accuracy. Admittedly, this prescience is not characterized by precision within a short-term timeframe. Nevertheless, when one extends the scope to a span of a few years, the prescient prognostications consistently prove to be accurate. This capacity has been instrumental in facilitating my ascent to prominence in four distinct spheres, ultimately affording me the privilege of a contentedly retired life, during which I have circumnavigated the globe on five occasions.

    This discourse will undertake a retrospective examination of recent events and will subsequently delineate my prognostications for the year 2024.

    Barry Sotoreo, also known as Barack Hussein Obama II, held the position of the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. In 2008, my prescience compelled me to assert, to those who would lend an ear, that Obama represented a Manchurian candidate, antithetical to traditional American values. At that juncture, I ventured to opine that “Obama exhibits the visage of an American, articulates as an American, yet his cognitive underpinnings do not align with quintessential American values.” I prophesied his meteoric ascent to power and its ensuing ramifications. The electoral outcome, in great part, can be attributed to the female electorate’s influence.

    The election of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, marked the first instance where I harnessed my prescient capabilities for pecuniary gain. I placed a substantial wager on the outcome of the 2016 presidential election with Australian Sports Bet, and derived immense satisfaction as the winnings accrued.

    The debacle ensuing from NATO and U.S. intervention in Ukraine, following the clandestine activities of the Central Intelligence Agency during the Ukrainian elections of 2014, laid the groundwork for my subsequent prognostications. At this juncture, my prescience began to evoke a sense of disquiet. My enduring affection for the United States, my profound reverence for its Constitution, and my admiration for its status as the preeminent superpower led me to view these developments with increasing consternation. I began to perceive the United States acting in contravention of established international norms, laws, and principles of order and discipline. The trajectory of the U.S. appeared to be diverging perilously from the correct course.

    While it may be superfluous to enumerate the illicit and corrupt activities associated with the Biden Administration, it has become a universally acknowledged fact that the incumbent POTUS, afflicted with senility, is mired in corruption. Even the most obtuse observer readily comprehends that the Biden modus operandi is inextricably linked to corruption—a malevolent, intangible commodity peddled as influence. It is an unequivocal malevolence.

    The dubiously conducted election of Joe Biden in 2020 is staunchly upheld by an entity commonly referred to as the “Deep State,” which roughly corresponds to the U.S. Federal Civil Service. This entity has metamorphosed into a runaway locomotive under clandestine leadership, hurtling inexorably towards perdition. The only constituency capable of halting this trajectory is the American electorate, through their participation in the 2024 elections.

    The antidote to the Deep State, historically and constitutionally, resides in the U.S. Constitution itself. The individual who possesses the requisite experience and intellectual acumen to lead the charge in restoring traditional American values and dismantling the Deep State is none other than the venerable Donald J. Trump.

    My prescience staunchly asserts that the prevailing climate is conducive to such a course of action. A substantial majority of the American populace yearns for the dismantling of the Deep State and the restoration of traditional American values. They are poised to vote for the return of Donald J. Trump to the office of President in November 2024.

    Forecasts for the financial landscape in 2024 portend dire circumstances, particularly within the automobile industry. Germany must address internal issues pertaining to the People’s Car expeditiously. Nevertheless, the Tesla Gigafactory in Berlin is poised to ameliorate the flagging prospects of Volkswagen. Additionally, I anticipate the dissolution of Ukraine as a sovereign entity, with a subsequent configuration that aligns with Russian interests. Germany, on the other hand, is expected to undergo an economic resurgence and adopt a more subdued and conservative political posture.

    With regard to the prognostications for 2024, while there may be contemplation of a Deep State insurrection against the MAGA (Make America Great Again) Movement and the potential incarceration of Donald J. Trump to forestall his electoral success, I find it implausible that such efforts can attain fruition. It is abundantly clear to even the most casual observer that public sentiment within the United States is vehemently opposed to the Deep State. Moreover, the ultimate adjudication by the United States Supreme Court is anticipated to entail injunctive measures against any unconstitutional actions perpetrated by elements of the Deep State.

    It is acknowledged that 2024 promises to be an eventful year within the United States, with disruptive technological advancements, particularly in the domain of electric vehicles such as Tesla, assuming a prominent role. It is axiomatic that various other disruptive technologies will emerge, and the United States will continue to exemplify the intangible quality of American exceptionalism.

    The forthcoming revelations associated with Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) software are poised to be revolutionary, extending beyond mere brilliance and promising a transformation of human cognitive paradigms. My prediction posits that the Tesla Optimus robots will make their debut in 2024, thereby initiating the rudimentary manifestation of silicon-based consciousness through FSD. Nevertheless, the attainment of a level of artificial intelligence capable of challenging human cognitive faculties is anticipated to necessitate a few additional years.

    Furthermore, my prognostication extends to the realization of the Belt and Road Project, the contemporary Silk Road initiative linking China and Europe. This ambitious endeavor is poised to materialize, with the potential to confer significant global benefits, particularly within the Eastern Bloc.

    In summation, my orientation towards prescience underscores a commitment to forward-thinking analysis and anticipation of geopolitical developments. The upcoming year, 2024, promises a confluence of transformative events, both in the United States and on the global stage, underpinned by technological innovation and evolving societal paradigms.


    source:The Near Future – My Prescience – Africa Unauthorised

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