This young constable was the investigation officer in the Vrede Estina Farm corruption. He was on his way to Vrede to oppose bail and his partner called him just before their departure that she was sick.
He left alone and later called a certain colonel (now Brigadier) to request for back up,but they never responded. He was later found dead in his car along the way. There were 2 gunshot marks,one through the left side back window and one through the roof of the car. There was blood on the boot of the car and it’s clear that the car collided with something on the side(probably another car).
His death was first reported as a murder and later changed to suicide. His partner also died a few months after his death under mysterious circumstances.
I was contacted by his brother who informed me that there’s no way his brother could have committed suicide because he was in high spirits on the day he went to Vrede
The pictures speak for themselves.