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2023-08-15 at 20:59 #416364
Nat Quinn
KeymasterDear Friends
Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
From the Frontline: The Strategic Importance of Africa and its Greatest Need
You can tune in to the latest From the Frontline podcast on https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/
The centre of equilibrium for the Church is moving from the northern hemisphere into the southern hemisphere and from the Western Hemisphere into the so-called Third World, or developing world. With over 600 million Christians in Africa, this continent is becoming the most Christian continent on earth. And present trends continuing, missiologists are anticipating that the number of Christians in Africa will double by 2050. Yet, most pastors in Africa have no training and most churchgoers in Africa do not yet have Bible or even a New Testament. Africa’s greatest need is literature and leadership training. Bibles and Bible teaching must be our highest priority is we work for a back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival movement. Africa for Christ!Reformation Society: What is Behind the Genocidal Hate Campaign that Encourages the Killing of White Farmers?
exposing the lies and false narrative that is used to justify racial states speech and genocidal threats such as seen in Julius Malema leading 90,000 EFT supporters to chant: “Kill the Boer! Kill the farmer! Shoot to kill!” How can most of the mass media, and the criminal justice system of government ignore such vile racist rhetoric? How should we as Christians respond? How can a Member of Parliament leading thousands of supporters in a stadium singing about killing /Genocide of Boers/Farmers in South Africa not be criminal incitement and Hate Speech? Especially when it is followed by sadistic torture and murder of farmers and their wives !
Watch and share: Aussie news on kill the boer https://youtu.be/FrA9S8RFC20
Where are our Human Rights Commission ? Law Enforcement ? Ministry of Justice ? Overseas friends? International Outrage ?
To view this presentation as a video: https://vimeo.com/853656102
To view a screen capture of this presentation: https://vimeo.com/853656050
To Listen to this message , click here: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID= 811231056531745 Upcoming Events:
Reformation Society: Vikings4Christ
If you live near Cape Town, please join us this Thursday, 17th August for supper at 18:00 and at 19:00 for a presentation on the inspiring story of how the Vikings were won to Christ. Meet the incredible characters and unforgettable personalities involved in this dramatic saga of how Christ defeated Thor and all the other gods of the Vikings. Unlike any other missionary endeavour, the Scandinavians were converted and discipled by a combination of bold Biblical preaching and pitched battles. The prevalence of crosses in the national flags of Scandinavian countries testifies to the ultimate triumph of Christianity over paganism.DEMONSTRATION AGAINST UNETHICAL JOURNALISM of FakeNews24/7
Wednesday, 16 August Media24 Centre14 Heerengracht Cape Town
You are invited to join investigative journalist Gerda Potgieter,
author of a Journey to the Truth – the case of ‘KwaSizabantu Mission for a:
News consumers deserve more than what they get from News24. News24 is the online news outlet of Media24. It is in the interest of the public that mainstream media verify the facts; check their information sources; before publishing their reports which should be objective and fair.
Hold your news source accountable.
We will no longer put up with lip service only! News24 should put its money where its mouth is and report news ethically.
DETAIL: Wednesday,
DATE: 16 August
TIME: 11:00
PLACE: Media24 Centre
14 Heerengracht
Cape Town
You can see the Video/interview with Gerda Potgieter, investigated Journalist, editor of Devoted magazine and author of a Journey to the Truth here: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/850051900
To watch the video of the Book Launch: a Journey to the Truth – the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission click:https://vimeo.com/847131174?share=copy To watch the Video of the presentation on a Journey to the Truth : the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission on Sunday Morning click https://vimeo.com/848334315?
share=copy YOUTH CONFERENCE 2023
The KwaSizabantu Youth Conference Theme: Let’s Lift Jesus Higher / Masimphakamise uJesu
To view: The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived in English and Zulu: https://vimeo.com/841857164
To listen to: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID= 714231026327983 To view The Hard Words of Jesus in English and Zulu: https://vimeo.com/844892385
To listen to: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID= 714231025143161 You can also view presentations at http://www.ksb.org.za.
Including in isiZulu/English, German, French, Sesotho and Portuguese.To watch the video of the Book Launch: a Journey to the Truth – the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission click: https://vimeo.com/847131174?
share=copy To watch the Video of the presentation on a Journey to the Truth : the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission on Sunday Morning click https://vimeo.com/848334315?
Christian Perspective on the News
Every Friday morning at 7:30 am, I have an opportunity to speak for 10-minutes on Radio Cape Pulpit (729AM) on a Christian Perspective on the News. You can access archives of previous programmes here. To listen online on Radio Cape Pulpit, click here.Salt and Light on Radio Tygerberg
every Monday night at 9:30 PM we broadcast a programme of Salt and light 104 FM on Radio Tygerberg. You can listen online: https://www.radio-south-africa.co.za/tygerberg-104fm You can also access previous programmes on the Christian action web archive:
https://soundcloud.com/user-779428885/sets/salt-light- radio Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism and UFOs:
https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/e/from-the- frontline-episode-265- artificial-intelligence- transhumanism-and-ufos/ Article published in JOY! Magazine – Dealing with Death and Grappling with Grief:
https://www.livingstonefellowship.co.za/ discipleship/dealing-with- death-and-grappling-with-grief The Real Story Behind The Coming War With China: https://soundcloud.com/user-
779428885/the-real-story- behind-the-coming-war-with- china?in=user-779428885/sets/ andrew-carrington-show Click here to see the latest Frontline News:. https://www.yumpu.com/en/
document/read/67668888/ frontline-fellowship-news- edition-1-of-2023 On LovingLifeTV: The War in Sudan : https://vimeo.com/channels/
1712508/829031792 The Real Story Behind the Coup and War in Sudan: https://
andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/ 2023/05/11/ach-2148-dr-peter- hammond-the-real-story-behind- the-coup-and-war-in-sudan/ The New War in Sudan: https://soundcloud.com/user-
779428885/the-new-war-in- sudan?in=user-779428885/sets/ reel-to-reel-with-audrey-russo To read the article: Hate Speech Bill’ Threat to freedom of religion LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD
“Hate Speech” Bill Threat to Free Speech video Link:
https://www.christianaction.org.za/index.php/articles/ religious-freedom/956-hate- speech-bill-threat-to-free- speech Resisting the Woke War on the World Video: https://vimeo.com/833333641?
share=copy Audio: https://www.sermonaudio.com/
sermoninfo.asp?SID= 65231441205704 The Real Story of The Christian History in Africa: https://soundcloud.com/user-
779428885/the-real-story-of- the-christian-history-in- africa
Livingstone Fellowship LIES WE HAVE ALL BELIEVED: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID= 72823135482339 Yours for Reformation and Revival
Dr. Peter Hammond Reformation Society PO Box 74 | Newlands | 7725 | Cape Town | South Africa Tel: +27 21 689 4480
http://www.ReformationSA.orgwebsite | email Give Send Go Frontline Fellowship Priority Projects: https://www.givesendgo.com/
See the special photographic celebration of Christian Action magazine online: Celebrating 30 Years of Africa Christian ActionHelp The Reformation Society promote Reformation and Revival throughout Africa.
Since 2006 the Reformation society has been conducting regular, every Thursday night, Reformation society meetings in Cape Town, holding Reformation seminars and conferences, promoting Reformation day services and events, including Reformation Art and Essay competitions, Reformation variety concerts and home education events. The Reformation society has published the Greatest Century of Reformation book (including an updated and expanded edition), Reforming our Families, the Power of Prayer Handbook, Reformation 500 hymnbook and the Reformation 500 Coalition on Revival FIRE Manual donating thousands of these books to Bible colleges, Missions, ministries and Christian universities.The Reformation Society also published the 95 Theses for Reformation Today, translated into German, French, Dutch and Afrikaans and launched the Reformation 500 Back to the Bible movement, which led to Reformation 500 events in Zambia, United States of America, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, culminating in Wittenberg October 2017. In the lead up to the Zwingli 500, marking the initiation of expository preaching (1st January 1519) we preached through every book of the Bible, publishing a series of the Bible in a nutshell in a popular local Christian magazine in South Africa and publishing the Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey books. We also held Biblical Preaching Workshops and helped publish the Biblical Preaching Handbook. Our Reformation500 facebook page has also received a wide reach and many engagements as we promote Reformation doctrines and history and work for a fresh back to the Bible Reformation in churches, communities and throughout the continent of Africa.
If you support this vision and work, please help us with the finances need to keep promoting Reformation Today through our public meetings, seminars, conferences and events and through publications, radio and TV interviews and programmes and through our Libraries for Pastors and Textbooks for Teachers programmes. https://www.givesendgo.com/reformation -
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