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2023-06-05 at 22:13 #407484
Nat Quinn
KeymasterB r e g g i n Alerts Primary Crimes Against Humanity Genocide and Mass Murder
by Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin First published by AmericaOutLoud.com
The takeover of the world is not a linear process. There wasn’t a single step, and then another, until the trap was sprung. Instead, a complex web was put into place, like a knitted string purse, with the purse strings lying loose until it was time to pull them, drawing the edges together and trapping us all inside. Any cutting of any of the intersecting arteries opens holes and creates gaps in the trap. Enough disruption of the trap, and we can begin to see daylight and work toward freedom and liberty once again.
To begin working our way free, we must never lose sight of the basics, the foundations that were put in place to enable a takeover to succeed. And we must never stop working to dismantle them. Resist, delay, slow walk, refuse at every turn to comply to any level of oppression.
Citizens need to speak up, act out, and demand justice at every level of government. And we need to continue exposing the previously hidden international hands in our cookie jars.
The Foundations of the COVID Takeover
We are all witnesses to a massive crime against humanity on a global scale. Until we face that our national government has been subsumed by globalist predators, I don’t know that we’re going to get very far in receiving apologies (at the least) and actual justice, for this massive crime against all of humanity.
There is no single leader or head internationally of the globalist cabal. It is an international net — a web — stealing national states and industries through manipulation and force. Entrapping virtually all citizens of those nations.
Back to Basics
Citizens have barely begun to get their arms around this COVID takeover of the democracies and republics, worldwide. And yet, time is of the essence. We must continue to face the evils that have brought us to the brink of serfdom and slavery and look for any decoupling that can be done so that humankind can remain both human and free.
Our bestselling book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, came out in September 2021 and identified many of the most significant points of control and planning for the COVID catastrophe. We documented that this was not just a medical emergency — but a deliberate, long-planned operation to seize control of free nations everywhere and create a worldwide superstructure government. Many of the contemporary key global entities were identified and named in the book. Throughout, we documented and provided detailed citations for readers to independently corroborate our investigation.
Much of our work has been dedicated to investigating and picturing the whole suffocating “purse” of control. The citizens of Earth will not win back their freedom and liberty without millions of people joining together to cut those individual strangulating strings that are directly inhibiting freedom of thought, of movement, of life.
Primary Crimes Against Humanity — Genocide and Mass Murder
The primary crimes include:
1 – Millions of people have been murdered. Many have died in hospitals with deadly, experimental “treatments” ordered or rewarded by governments, including the administration of Remdesivir, sedatives, and the use of ventilators as well as through the withholding of medicines (early treatment medicines such as IVM and HCQ, antibiotics, steroids) and such essentials as fluids and food. Being hospitalized with a COVID diagnosis has been too often a death sentence in the eyes of the doctors and nurses who were supposed to deliver care. To this day, traditional, fundamental medical practices of hospitalized patients, such as the tracking of fluids, are neglected. Over 536K American children and young adults have died.
2 – Democratic republics and democracies around the world have been destroyed and replaced with hierarchal, totalitarian authorities put in power by banana republic elections.
3 – Tens of millions of people have been coerced into receiving one or another form of COVID “vaccine” – an experimental, toxic, non-standardized injection causing massive side effects, including ‘Sudden death” and turbo cancers that are predicted to accelerate over time.
4 – Unborn babies and infants have died after their mothers were vaccinated during pregnancy. Pregnant women, and nursing mothers, have ssuffered terrible adverse effects in addition to struggling with the fear and loss of their children.
Tools of Control
What are the foundational tools the Globalist Predators are using to control the world?
- Diseases weaponized and retained in Biolabs.
- Biolabs around the world that are able to manipulate diseases that can be used to control populations.
- Biolab and vaccine specialists are in lockstep with the globalist perspectives so that they are diverted from considering any helpful developments or information that might protect against or repair damage done by the disease or vaccine bioweapons.
- Fear propaganda is promoted to ensure the target population is thrown into a fear or terror state, disrupting rational thought and analysis.
- mRNA and DNA substances and delivery platforms that multiply the effectiveness of both the bioweapons/diseases and the bioweapon vaccines that are clearly such an integral part of the takeover.
- mRNA and DNA “Vaccines” as a delivery vector for both further disease and for nanotech and other means of remote control of humans.
- The spike protein was created temporarily by the COVID-19 disease and produced in larger and lasting quantities by the COVID-19 mRNA/DNA injections, causing damage to multiple organ systems resulting commonly in injury and, too often, in death.
- Cognitive dysfunction, brain fog, and emotional disengagement from others due to brain injury from the spike protein.
- Delayed disease and death through toxic injections that are deniable and that contribute to depopulation desired by globalists.
- Nanotechnology and its role in transhumanism to connect human beings to computers, to artificial intelligence, and to exert control of the human race through implanted technology.
- Control of the enforcement arms of the nations — the police, the military, any militia.
- Control of the healthcare delivery systems through a combination of intimidation, censorship, bribery (reward), shunning, punishment, and expulsion of critical outliers.
- Control of the education systems to soften citizens through indoctrination of communism, and collectivism.
- Manipulation of messaging to citizens through the media and through social media.
- Control of the banking system and money by digitalizing it entirely and abolishing paper and coin money.
- Abdication of governing responsibilities by government representatives of every formerly free nation and cooperating with the Global Predators.
- Discouragement and disparagement of traditional principles and values of free peoples, including the embrace of honesty, integrity, love of country, history, and courage.
- Disruption and destruction of the family unit, further demoralizing citizens.
- Ridicule and dismissal of religion.
- Denial of any traditional concept of God.
We, the citizens of the world, are shell-shocked and stunned. We are putting one foot in front of the other, just getting through one day, and then another day, and then another. It’s not enough. There is more to lose, including the future of our children, grandchildren, and generations to come.
Our forefathers and mothers have been through disasters and catastrophes — that is why we are present here on Earth. We need to cut the strings of control, large and small, at every turn. Time for us to strengthen our resolve and begin, every day, to resist tyranny in all its forms. What is life for if not to live by our highest principles, to honor God, to cherish every day, and to seek liberty and freedom?
First published on AmericaOutLoud.com.
Primary author Ginger Ross Breggin. She and her husband, Peter R. Breggin MD, are the authors of the bestselling new book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, with introductions by top COVID-19 scientists and physicians, Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH; Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD; and Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko MD. Over 120,000 sold.
E-Pub & Kindle & Nook book sale of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: $2.99
Amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles, and bookstores online.
The audiobook of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, by Peter and Ginger Breggin is available at Amazon.com.
OVER 120,000 COPIES SOLD COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, authored by Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin, now in bookstores everywhere. Bulk quantities of books available at special discount–contact us at bregginbooks@hotmail.com.
#1 Bestseller on Amazon*
COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey by the Breggins
*in Health Care Delivery
Peter R Breggin MD http://www.Breggin.com -
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