Loving Life TV

LifeWave PodCasts

Fact: LifeWave had a tenfold increase in sales last year from $30 million to $300 million

Loving Life LifeWave team discuss the patches - and podcasts from David Schmidt CEO of LifeWave

Find out more about LifeWave patches which are now used with great results by many family members of the Loving Life family. 

Excellent free downloadable PDF on how amazing this non invasive technology is

LifeWave CEO, David Schmidt, explains how the non-invasive patches work to wake up your stem cells that play a major role in your body’s healing process. (All important healing stem cells become inactive as you get older).

Video length: 36 minutes

Loving Life TV LifeWave upline Chris Hattingh introduces the patches 

Video length: 106 minutes

Loving Life TV LifeWave upline Chris Hattingh updates us on the patches 

Video length: 80 minutes

Chris Hattingh explains how the LifeWave network business works.

Video length: 60 minutes

Chris Hattingh discusses the various types of patch and their healing benefits. There are links to short Youtube videos on each type of patch below the video.

Video length: 60 minutes

LIFEWAVE PATCHES (Part Four): I (Scott from Loving Life TV) am getting a very cheap face lift thanks to X39 patches!

Video length: 8 minutes

Chris and Lucinda join me to discuss the huge changes that LifeWave patches are making in their and other people’s lives.

Video length: 90 minutes

LIFEWAVE Patches – clinically proven to work

Video length: 4 minutes

Scott Balson says: Thank you LifeWave patches – I have got my dark hair of 15 years ago back in less than 6 months!

Video length: 4 minutes