Loving Life TV

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  • #462654
    Scott Balson

    This event reflects just how disgusting the Central Intelligence Agency undercover operatives are. Chris Wyatt, with decades of reported career in the US military intelligence, recently started a Youtube channel and has also responded to this ridiculous utterance by a black guy – with Wyatt claiming to be the voice of reason and outrage. You decide who is the most deceptive – Wyatt or the black guy. Wyatt, who still gets paid by the CIA while claiming to be retired, has made a living out of deceiving people in Africa – the black guy in the video gets no payments and is just reflecting his low IQ.

    Scott Balson

    Absolutely brilliant video – Michael Tellinger really does think outside the box. I met him at his home in Watervalboven in Mpumalanga in 2011 – he demonstrated to me the incredible ringing noise that rocks he had made when knocked together. I share his views that frequencies play a far greater role in our lives than we could ever believe.

    Scott Balson

    thanks Nat – excellent video – so sad that Helen Zille (DA) is one of Soros’ greatest backers … having worked for him for over ten years in the past.

    Scott Balson

    I always had my doubts about Louis Liebenberg…

    Scott Balson

    Fascinating – I never knew about the biggest tank battle in WWII ….

    Scott Balson

    Very interesting video …

    Scott Balson

    Wow fascinating and comprehensive coverage of the failed Jameson raid that played such a big part in destroying the trust between Brit and Boer before the 1899 Boer War.
    Here is that link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhNyd9iEl2w

    Scott Balson

    Excellent interview between two past guests on Loving Life TV!

    Scott Balson

    I had never heard of Heter Iske – if you Google it – confirms this outrageous bank practice restricted to Jews paying no interest on loans.

    Scott Balson

    Interesting – I am blocked from viewing this Australian Channel 9 video because I live in Australia.

    My screen says “The uploader (Channel 9 Australia’s 60 minutes) HAS NOT MADE THIS VIDEO AVAILABLE IN YOUR COUNTRY.

    Interesting because Channel 9 do NOT want me to see the video played here because doing so by passes their ratings on the night they ran this video in Australia. So they censor me days after they ran this video.

    They do this because it impacts their advertising revenue received locally on the night the 60 Minutes program went to air.

    Yet Youtube are OK with this even though their advertising revenue is impacted by my (an Australian – target audience of the original video) now being blocked.

    Why are viewers in the US, UK, Canada etc allowed to view this video on Youtube? BECAUSE they will be paying to watch through Youtube’s advertising strategy embedded into 60 Minutes Channel and because they do NOT live in Australia – apparently people overseas are NOT the target audience of the original video and their local Australian ratings/advertising returns.

    What a wicked world we live in. Media integrity? Bah humbug!

    Scott Balson

    Mud sticks and Gouws is a closet racist of the worst kind. He will never shake this tag and it will haunt him as long as he sucks from the huge related political salary he will get. This is the only reason this troll, this grub is in politics.

    Scott Balson
    Scott Balson

    These guys do amazing work

    Scott Balson

    Wow – amazing documentary – technology used for people with physical impairments I get – our brains being on the cloud I do NOT!

    Scott Balson

    Great 90 minute movie – about the festering wounds of the Boer war in which Van’s boer family have to come to terms with their daughter marrying a Pom.

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