Unfortunately Fauci Ouchie laughs at us all and gets away with his crime against humanity. Money talks.
All very nice. But when you need medical treatment where do you go ? The nearest witch doctor ?
True words spoken here. Why did the Secret Service not REMOVE Trump ,the minute they were told of the Sniper on the roof ? Very good point.
There is hope . Winston Peters needs to keep pushing for this.
Sadly the ANC will remain in power. The sheep will keep voting them back in. As a result there will be no more functioning trains operating on long distance trips. The ANC have shown they know how to stuff a country’s economy. VIVA !!
It is so sad that these farm attacks continue unabated. Unfortunately many of the farmers believe that they will not be attacked. It will always happen to someone else.
We found that most whites are not too worried about other whites being attacked. When we were attacked our friends bragged about what they would have done to protect themselves. Very little sympathy shown to us.Their attitude soon changes when one day it happens to them or their family members.
The Rothschilds certainly own the banks of Europe , Australia , New Zealand and South Africa. The Rockerfellers own the banks of the USA. There is a feud going on at present between these two families.
Both want to control the world.
I have been warning Scott for years about Simon Cockroche. He held a very prominent position in the ANC. I have always believed that he is a verraaier. The truth will come out eventually.
If anarchy is going to breakout in SA why not leave if you can ? The Col should talk to Saffas who have moved to NZ to find out if they believe that NZ is a safer place than SA. It has been a time to Trek for whites for many years. Sadly many want to but cannot afford to. Many who can afford to leave refuse to because they are living it up in SA and going to another country means taking a drop in standard of lifestyle. For some whites , they are like the ostrich with its head in the ground. Make the sacrifice for your children’s sake. To Trek takes guts ! It is not for sissies.
I believe the Russian ship is off loading cases of Top Shelf Vodka for the ANC’s Christmas Party.