Loving Life TV

Liz Gunn New Zealand activist in fear of her life as the bought politicians circle around to protect the feral Jacinda Ardern and her disgusting covid legacy

The public servants serving the one world government now start targeting the covid whistleblowers in New Zealand – these feral animals are part of the Jacinda Ardern legacy during the covid experience.

1 thought on “Liz Gunn New Zealand activist in fear of her life as the bought politicians circle around to protect the feral Jacinda Ardern and her disgusting covid legacy”

  1. Strangely there is no denying the statistics the whistle blower revealed are false. The graphs and figures he showed are true.. No they want to prosecute him for exposing the Stats to the general public. The Jabcinda brigade do not want the truth to come out. The NZ Health still claims that only 4 people in the whole of NZ died from the deadly jabs.

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