Loving Life TV

Doug Casey unpacks just why the World Economic Forum and its members are so dangerous for the world today

Things like the World Economic Forum, and other NGOs (non-governmental organizations), institutes, and think tanks, have proliferated in recent years. They’re almost all destructive parasites on productive society. Almost all of them are leftist, statist, and collectivist in orientation. They’re typically populated by intellectuals and academics and funded by tax-exempt foundations, usually set up by elderly do-gooders interested in leaving a “legacy.”

1 thought on “Doug Casey unpacks just why the World Economic Forum and its members are so dangerous for the world today”

  1. Michael Lawson

    Gold never increases in value . Its the currencies that devalue , therefore , a lot more currency is needed to buy the same amount of gold as before. Remember , that if the gold price goes up say 25 % in a month , then that is the reflection of the Dollars devaluation by 33,3 %. The higher the demand for gold is a reflection of the distrust in the Dollar which itself is a contributing factor to its devaluation , thus making it seem that gold has gone up. NO, its the lack of confidence in the Dollar and the consequences to other Dollar dependent currencies that devalue them against gold, thus making the price of gold seem higher. Instead its the other way around. Its the currencies losing their value.

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