Loving Life TV

G20 in Indonesia used as the vehicle to bring in digital vaccine passports

If you want to travel internationally and don’t want to get the mark of the beast you better do so soon. At the G20 attended by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab a secret agreement was struck stating that without a digital vaccine passport you will not be able to travel overseas.

6 thoughts on “G20 in Indonesia used as the vehicle to bring in digital vaccine passports”

  1. These gatherings of this psychotic cabal are just smoke screens. They already decided behind the scenes, what we looking at is just them making their intentions known publicly. Stuff the Jesuits and Darth Vader – they will all bow before Jesus, they fear Him cause they know who has ultimate power regardless of their attempts throughout history to try and eradicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They may win the battle but they will not win the War. Jesus wins He always does. Thank you

  2. If enough people boycott all airlines, all ships, all trains for just one month these idiots will stop this rubbish when they realize just how much money they have lost

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