Loving Life TV

Dr Rapiti responds to Prof Salim Abdool Karim’s BS on mainstream TV in S Africa about the new variant

Yesterday I put out a video calling the man who plays a huge roll in impacting the lives of all South Africans, Prof Salim Abdool Karim, a quack (con). Now Dr Rapiti has released his own video giving his take on Karim’s misleading comments.

1 thought on “Dr Rapiti responds to Prof Salim Abdool Karim’s BS on mainstream TV in S Africa about the new variant”

  1. Dr.Rapiti…I will say it again…you are a true hero of our times. That so called gotee bearded professor that bought his credentials from a local spaza store needs to be hung from the nearest street pole. He has the blood of many South Africans on his hands. He is an evil satanic criminal

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