Loving Life TV

Food and Drug Administration meeting early December 2021 – doctors say the “vaxx” does not work

Why did the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US promote the booster rollout and subsequent injecting of babies 6 months old when so many doctors back in 2021 raised serious concerns at an FDA meeting after the initial experimental jabs failed?

The unedited 8 hour meeting of the FDA in early December 2021: https://www.australiannationalreview.com/health/fda-in-their-virtual-meeting-we-were-falsely-mislead-by-pfizer-about-the-safety-of-the-vaxxine-heart-attacks-are-71x-higher-than-other-vaxxines/

Australia’s experimental covid jab roll out was conducted by the US Department of Defence: https://lovinglifetv.com/the-covid-vaxxed-in-australia-are-victims-of-the-biggest-deception-in-medical-history/

Is the experimental jab a slow killing genocidal bioweapon carrying organisms that continuously create toxic snake venom in your body: https://archives.lovinglifetv.com/video/612/documentary-are-the-us-department-of-defence-poisoning-us-with-snake-venom-posing-as-an-experimental-covid-jab?channelName=Scott

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