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Guards robbed of cash bags, shootout leaves 1 suspect dead, Leslie

Two suspects aged 39 and 40 were arrested while a third suspect was fatally shot by the police following a robbery on the morning of 6 February 2023, on the R29 Road in Leslie around 09:00.

According to the report, a group of armed suspects attacked security guards who were carrying bags of money destined for an undisclosed location in Leslie.

As the security guards walked with the bags of cash, it is alleged that the suspects suddenly opened fire on them but luckily no one was injured at the time.

The suspects then robbed the guards of the cash bags.

Police at Leslie were alerted about the incident and they swiftly responded. One of the suspects inside a silver-grey VW Polo was shot during a shootout.

Police managed to intercept the two suspects near business shops and arrested them and the two are believed to have been part of the group of robbers.

Although some of the suspects managed to evade arrest, police will not back down but will continue to pursue them. Three firearms, one pistol as well as two revolvers were confiscated from the suspects.

Police further recovered three of the cash bags which were reportedly stolen during the robbery. The recovered firearms will be subjected to ballistic testing to determine any linkages to other crimes committed in the country.

The two suspects will be charged for armed robbery and possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition. They will appear before the Leslie Periodical Court on Wednesday, 8 February 2023 facing the said charges.

Police cannot rule out the possibility of adding more charges as the investigation continues. Currently the investigators are busy gathering details at the crime scene, including establishing the amount of cash robbed by the suspects.

The suspect who was shot has since been certified dead by the paramedics on the scene and he is yet to be identified by his family.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the suspects is urged to contact the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111 or send information via MySAPS App.

All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has welcomed the arrest of the two suspects. The General is adamant that as the investigation proceeds, other unresolved cases of a similar nature will be solved.

SAPS Newsroom

The post Guards robbed of cash bags, shootout leaves 1 suspect dead, Leslie appeared first on South Africa Today.