Loving Life TV

How the elite parasites will use climate change laws to take out even the Donald Trumps of the world

Everything’s relative. And those who have a built a great nest egg for themselves with property portfolios, traditional investments etc this is a shot across your bows. The World Economic Forum will be bringing in, through their Young Global Leaders, new global fees and laws protecting “climate change” as a ruse to strip you of your property assets. Look what is happening right now with the farmers in Holland. We need to stand together and disempower this parasitical WEF cabal. Think I am joking? Look at what they are doing right now to sheep and cattle farmers in New Zealand. You are next.

1 thought on “How the elite parasites will use climate change laws to take out even the Donald Trumps of the world”

  1. If we use coal in SA and pollute their atmosphere, we will be punished with fines, so the anc signed the treaty in 2021 already making that possible and if we can’t pay the fines or loans to the world bank we will find they claim the land as compensation, and if that isn’t enough they will go after the population assets. Energy is controlled to stifle growth and wealth of countries and that will lead to poverty and famine. Insurance companies will fail completely leaving the middleclass without income or protection of losses with riots or climate engineered floods and damage. As jabbed populations die off, the empty houses and property will be occupied by the homeless/nameless and so drive out even the remaining ‘survivors’. Hoarding food will be a crime allowing raiding of property for search and confiscation. The poor/rich groups they purposely created will attack each other allowing martial law to be declared. Loans for new energy will be scarse as to make sure they don’t lend out money to bad returns where the depopulation will leave fewer people around, not needing more energy. Insect food meant for birds only digestive systems, will leave survivors diseased and sick and cancer infested. DEPOPULATION will kill pension funds as there is no new feeders of the pyramid scheme. High tech and satallite dew will detect bundu dwellers and basically erase them from life. They are TERRAFORMING EARTH BEFORE THEY ESCAPE TO THEIR LOADED SAFE BUNKERS as to lie low as to survive the Trump STORM. Trump is the perfect young leader of Klaus and Trump did say that Klaus is doing a great job,– at Davos.

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