The 50-year-old accused, Dr Murunwa Makwarela, former Mayor from the City of Tshwane appeared on the morning of 3 April 2023, in the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes Court on charges of fraud and uttering.
It is reported that the accused just after being elected the Executive Mayor of the City of Tshwane was alleged to have previously been sequestrated which he indicated had been rehabilitated.
He was then requested by the City to provide proof of the rehabilitation.
The proof was provided on his behalf by his actuary which upon further internal investigation by the city was found to be fraudulent hence the opening of a formal case.
The case was referred to the Gauteng Serious Corruption Investigation for further exploration.
The team found that the rehabilitation certificate was disputed by the Pretoria High Court as having issued by them. The accused was charged with two counts of fraud and uttering resulting in his arrest on the morning of 3 April 2023.
The accused was granted R10 000 bail and is due to reappear in the same court on 2 May 2023 for disclosure and instructions.
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