Loving Life TV

We cannot let those who were guilty of pushing the bioweapon get away with it

As Switzerland belatedly bans the experimental bioweapon the statisticians and actuaries are churning out thousands of reports that point to the genocidal nature of the covid experimental jab. This is no accident and those who participated in pushing its roll out from billionaires to politicians to staff in government department to mainstream news reporters and NGOs need to face court for being participants in a genocide. The 99% have spoken and demand justice.

4 thoughts on “We cannot let those who were guilty of pushing the bioweapon get away with it”

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment of this video. However the likes of Gates, Fauci and Herr Klaus will get away with murder. They actually dare the people to try and get them. Justice will only come for those evil bastards when Christ returns. Unfortunately evil seems to get away with murder in this world without punishment. I would love to see Nuremberg 2 .

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