Loving Life TV

LIVE: Hans Combrink joins us again to discuss J G Strijdom – a true boer and FW de Klerk – the man many see as a traitor.

Hans is a historian and this live stream will focus on FW de Klerk – how he came into politics and how he seized power and, ultimately, his roll in “bringing South Africa to democracy”.

1 thought on “LIVE: Hans Combrink joins us again to discuss J G Strijdom – a true boer and FW de Klerk – the man many see as a traitor.”

  1. Remember that Henry Kissinger was working for his masters to bring about the downfall of Ian Smith and Rhodesia. Then he moved on to South Africa. PW Botha had no choice really. He had the whole world against SA. I guess South Africa was saved a civil war.

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