Loving Life TV

Nathaniele Pawlowski addresses the European Union with the message Canada has fallen

Nathaniele’s father, Artur, a refugee from eastern Europe in the 1900s famously threw police out of his church when they tried to shut down his service during the covid scam. Since that time Artur has been targeted by police in Canada and has been arrested at every opportunity. Ironically Artur came to Canada to give his son a life of “freedom”.

4 thoughts on “Nathaniele Pawlowski addresses the European Union with the message Canada has fallen”

  1. Herr Klaus Schwab will be so pleased with his young progeny , Justine Trudeau. Ze boy is a wunderkind und Herr Klausie loves him.

  2. Like any other country the people of Canada do not let it happen-TRUDY brings in all but a white woman from all over the world-grants them asylum and there you have a vote-they get housing, grants, business start up-money for their kids etc and we the public are left to fund this-SO MAKE NO MISTAKE THE CANADIAN PEOPLE DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!!!! Elections are coming and his A** is GRASS. Canadians are sick and tired of this tyrannical clown.

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