Loving Life TV

The rollout of the globalist currency, the central bank digital currency (CBDC), has begun in South Africa – this is what you need to watch for

Nigeria was the test case for the roll out of the central bank digital currency. Extreme methods of fear and coercion were used by that country’s central bank to force people to comply and buy into the CBDC – this is how they did it and how it could well be implemented in South Africa.

1 thought on “The rollout of the globalist currency, the central bank digital currency (CBDC), has begun in South Africa – this is what you need to watch for”

  1. So, there are now NEW NOTES to carry on with whatever they were doing with cash. There are still ATM’s- SOOOOO !!!!!
    What have I missed here? What about the non-paper money – where are the coins? This looks like a big smash-up to cause chaos among all the people.
    WAIT !!! until the real SHTF.
    The governments will play now with real fire among their citizens which will not end well as I see it.

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