Loving Life TV

United Nations launch global campaign to stamp out online misinformation and disinformation

The UN are now taking a leadership role to censor alternative perspectives on a wide range of subjects including the covid scam and climate change. This move is clearly directed by the shadow one world government and follows the discussion on the same subject held at Davos (World Economic Forum) in January this year. Clearly Loving Life TV will be in the focus of the dictatorial elite.

2 thoughts on “United Nations launch global campaign to stamp out online misinformation and disinformation”

  1. It has got nothing to do with online misinformation and disinformation they are silencing dissenting voices
    and people who have a difference of opinion and we all know that.

  2. It is only hate speech when it goes against their narrative and yet it’s NOT hate speech (even though it is and a slap in the face as well) and goes along with their narrative!
    Double standards wouldn’t you say?

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