I have known about these allegations for a long time – that 5G will be used to active sleeper nanoparticles in those who have had the bioweapon. The conspiracy suggests that deadly viruses like ebola will be released and very few who have had the bioweapon will survive. I am alerting the Loving Life community to this because we know our governments cannot be trusted and do not work to protect their community. They work for big business and the World Economic Forum who’s collective agenda is to dramatically reduce the population of the globe. I have included the 2025 Population predictions by Deagel (released 2015) which shows a huge drop in the population of most western countries by 2025.. thanks to the fake mainstream media most of the people in those countries got the jab.
1 thought on “Growing concerns about the possible use of 5G frequencies to commit a genocide on those who took the bioweapon”
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Let’s hope and pray that this is just a conspiracy theory for the 4 October. . However the planned reduction of the world’s population is real.