Loving Life TV


The murdered Professor who exposed the deadly role graphene oxide played in those who took the covid bioweapon

iFrame is not supported! Link to Dr Philippe’s live stream with Loving Life in June 2021 for the first time exposing the horrific damage done to the blood of those who took the covid bioweapon: https://lovinglifetv.com/2023/07/30/dr-philippe-van-welbergens-livestream-with-loving-life-tv-a-couple-of-years-ago-now-recognised-as-the-first-to-expose-the-bioweapon-shedding-scandal/

Eugenicist Bill Gates admits that the covid bioweapon has self assembling nano technology

iFrame is not supported! Here in the luck country, Queensland Australia, the fake mainstream media continue to push the covid bioweapon blindly following instructions from their big pharma masters. If these useless idiots aka tv presenters spent one hour on the computer researching the covid bioweapon maybe they would have a different view. But there …

Eugenicist Bill Gates admits that the covid bioweapon has self assembling nano technology Read More »

Israeli Zionist Jews are committing TWO Genocides today – not just in Gaza – but by proxy in Armenia

iFrame is not supported! While the world talks about the genocide taking place in Palestinian occupied Gaza there is practically global silence about the genocide being facilitated by Israel against the first Christian community in history – the Armenian people sandwiched between Turkey and oil and gas rich Azerbaijan. Israel is supplying Azerbaijan with the …

Israeli Zionist Jews are committing TWO Genocides today – not just in Gaza – but by proxy in Armenia Read More »

The CIA and Mossad were behind the false flag Hamas attack on Israel 7 October – this was their agenda – genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza

iFrame is not supported! Behind the curtain of deceit a very different scenario is played out – as you will see in this video. The false flag atrocity by Hamas on 7 October 2023 was approved by the Netanyahu government who considered the Israelis who were victims of the attack collateral damage to achieve their …

The CIA and Mossad were behind the false flag Hamas attack on Israel 7 October – this was their agenda – genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza Read More »