Loving Life TV

Israeli Zionist Jews are committing TWO Genocides today – not just in Gaza – but by proxy in Armenia

While the world talks about the genocide taking place in Palestinian occupied Gaza there is practically global silence about the genocide being facilitated by Israel against the first Christian community in history – the Armenian people sandwiched between Turkey and oil and gas rich Azerbaijan. Israel is supplying Azerbaijan with the military hardware to exterminate the Armenians so that oil and gas pipelines can be laid to Turkey for big western oil and gas companies wanting to profit from the European market.

3 thoughts on “Israeli Zionist Jews are committing TWO Genocides today – not just in Gaza – but by proxy in Armenia”

  1. The chutzpah of these vile people. They are ALWAYS obsessed about anti-semitic racism yet they themselves are the CAUSE of it all.
    Everyone who is not on board with all their escapades will be called an ugly name, allegedly the World’s worst crime … an anti-semite racist.
    These scum bring misery world wide with their depsicable misdeeds and we are ALL weary and depressed with these parasites that have been rightfully booted out of 109 countries and hopefully more booting outs to come.

    1. Really and what about the Christian Crusades, the Mongol invasions, the Muslim genocides of their own people. Stop using religion as an excuse…all religions are man made to suite the humans evil agenda’s

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