Loving Life TV

Democratic Alliance appoint a queer as their main candidate in KwaZulu Natal

Chris Pappas (a vertically challenged male) and his fiance JP Prinsloo (another dominant male) will be the household that runs KwaZulu Natal for the Democratic Alliance if they somehow get enough votes. Their political future depends on the Zulu cultural – Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). Time the IFP woke up out of their slumbers.

2 thoughts on “Democratic Alliance appoint a queer as their main candidate in KwaZulu Natal”

  1. Mammas and Pappas. Soort soek soort. ‘n Paar “agtermekaar” kerêls.
    Ek hoop maar hulle kry iets reg in KZN. Ons is klaar diep in die afgrond in
    en dit gaan bloedsweet kos om daaruit te kom.
    Die werkloosheid en misbruik van drugs en misdaad is ‘n geweldige groot probleem in die provinsie en om elke dag skoon water te hê om te drink is ook ‘n nagmerrie.
    Ek sal maar soek vir ‘n Christelike party vir wie ek kan stem.

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