Loving Life TV

King Charles III at Cop28 in Dubai pushes the one world government agenda

King Charles III launches Cop28 in the presence of Kings, Queens, Prime Ministers and Presidents – including Ramaphosa – his message for the “common good” is completely at odds with the woke agenda but don’t expect the fake mainstream media to discuss this.

4 thoughts on “King Charles III at Cop28 in Dubai pushes the one world government agenda”

  1. Wow, wow. he would ever have thought that this lame duck, till his mother’s death, would become so “important” and even change his (lack of) personality to at least sound fairly intelligent

  2. Heavenly Father, Creator of the Universe please speed up your agenda to rid the universe of these evil entities….Amen

  3. So the Global elitists have gone from the Greater Good to the Common Good. Just how stupid do these demons really think we are?

  4. @Scott Balson:- I know you will think I am completely bonkers but, I say that David Icke and his son are bloody right about these creatures.

    How does a man justify a 3 to 5 year old being a Hamas terrorist and killing that child and the Collective West go along with this shit and believe it?
    These demons are seriously sick in the heart and mind.
    I wish Jesus would hurry up and come back, very soon.

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