Loving Life TV

Under a one world government

The great awakening is resulting in 5G towers being burnt to the ground – do your civil duty for your family

iFrame is not supported! The great awakening is underway as the “sheep” the blinkered masses are suddenly awoken from their slumbers about what is actually going on in the world. The elite are shitting their pants – and without doubt – a new virus scare or nuclear war will serve as the great distraction. SO …

The great awakening is resulting in 5G towers being burnt to the ground – do your civil duty for your family Read More »

Academics discuss how God given frequencies in our bodies will be hijacked to facilitate humanity becoming technological cyborgs

iFrame is not supported! Was it coincidence or was it God who brought this hidden Youtube video, freshly published, to my attention. In the video a female scientist explains how the elite’s plan to use our God given natural energy and frequencies to establish the future of the “Internet of bodies” (human computers – cyborgs …

Academics discuss how God given frequencies in our bodies will be hijacked to facilitate humanity becoming technological cyborgs Read More »

Top US military supplier Lockheed Martin reveal 30 year old technologies today that go far beyond what we dreamed of

iFrame is not supported! Military intelligence is epitomised by the “five eyes” – the top secret spy agencies of countries like the US, UK, Israel and Australia working together for a globalist agenda. Trillions of tax payer dollars are funnelled into special projects where technologies far in advance of what we are informed about have …

Top US military supplier Lockheed Martin reveal 30 year old technologies today that go far beyond what we dreamed of Read More »