What a week! Our live streams with Petrus Sitho and Louis Liebenberg … and Reyno de Beer have seen our already huge registered Loving Life community jump by nearly 5%. A very large number.
As a result we are now reaching a stage where it will be taking more than 24 hours to distribute our current daily email.
Rather than email me and say you haven’t got “today’s email” please go to Loving Life TVs home page and take the link (top left) headed “Daily Newsletter”. YOU ARE HERE!
Before starting to distribute each day’s email I update the page and put exactly the same links to all updates that day (videos, live streams, SA Today news and Forum) to our page linked there.
That way you won’t have to wait for the email to be delivered. I do apologise but Loving Life TV has grown dramatically thanks to our amazing team and the only other option is to start charging to get the daily updates – which we will not do.
Next year we will be providing advertisers the opportunity to establish a key position on Loving Life TV key pages and services and with that revenue we should be able to upgrade our email services to meet the needs of our fast growing community.
Latest new videos on Loving Life TV:
Have a look at the videos posted today:
- DAILY INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO (14 December 2023) – Don’t let the old man in
- Private jets will not be charged a carbon fuel tax in the EU – while passenger jets will
- Many of Durban (Dirtbins) beaches to be closed over Christmas because of shit in the sea
- Wanda Luus-du Plessis – Voorlesing 36 – Die boek Die Oorlog Beeld deur Jackie Grobler – Krygsoffisier Hoofkommandant Martinhus Prinsloo
- Klaus Schwab’s Prophecy (World Economic Forum) That By 2030 You Will Own Nothing Now Unpacked At Cop28 By The World Bank And The IMF
Live Streams:
Last Night’s Live Stream:
Tonight’s Live Stream (Starting 8pm Johannesburg time):
If you know of someone who has an important story to tell or information about South Africa (politics, business, etc.) that the world should know about please E-Mail Marlena at: livestreams@lovinglifetv.com
If you have or know of YouTube channels or other Alternative Media channels covering South African news that could be considered for inclusion in our Contributing Channels please E-Mail Scott at: host@lovinglifetv.com
New Topics on the Forums:
- *** History Reviewed News for: 2023-12-14 ***JAN LAMPRECHT
- *** African Crisis News for: 2023-12-14 ***-JAN LAMPRECHT
- White Survival in South Africa and America: Think OLD TECHNOLOGY – Beware of modern Corporations-HISTORY REVIEWED-JAN LAMPRECHT
- No ‘cold drink’ this festive: Nine traffic officers arrested for corruption
- Workers are battling to collect unemployment benefits despite new technology
- Refusal By Saps Members To Assist Complainants To Open Criminal Dockets In Terms Of National Instruction 3 Of 2011
- “Climate of division” affecting UN African peacekeeping
- Why doctors in South Africa would rather shut their doors than suffer the NHI
- Tesla video shows upgraded humanoid Optimus robot
- South Africa’s new nuclear plan will fail like Zuma’s – professor
- Time for South Africans to disown the peddlers of poverty
New videos linked from the forum:
- Douglas Macgregor: ceasefire will end, GAZA will continue to bleed, whole region must stop ISRAEL
- SCOTT RITTER LIVE | The Next War With America | Gaza | Israel
- Do Health Supplements Even Work?
- SAPS commissioners could face jail for contempt of court
- Healthcare reimagined | Carte Blanche
- No protection against death-DR JOHN CAMPBELL
- Farm Attacks and Murders in South Africa
- You Asked! Here’s The Answer!-political parties in South Africa
- “100% they’re not human” Something Terrifying Is Happening… (2023)
- Afrikaners op die beskawingsfront
- South Africa: the most DANGEROUS country in the world to drive in
- Woensdag, 13 Desember 2023. Deel 3. Lanterns in die mis, hou die kruit droog!
- Why So Much Movement Around the World Right Now?
If you would like a forum, related to South Africa, to be added to our Forums please email Nat at: forums@lovinglifetv.com
Current Forums can be seen at: https://lovinglifetv.com/forums
Please forward this E-Mail widely and encourage your friends, family and contacts to Register on Loving Life TV by clicking on this LINK.
Scott Balson
Host Loving Life TV (https://www.lovinglifetv.com)
Whatsapp: +61407477609 Email: homestays@gmail.com