Loving Life TV

Stripping off the deception of Black Economic Empowerment benefitting the black population in South Africa

Ramaphosa is a thief of dreams, single handedly looting the concept of the “Rainbow Nation” for his own financial benefit.

Link to the viral live stream with Jeff Koorbanaly with well over one million views: https://lovinglifetv.com/2023/07/07/live-jeff-koorbanaly-on-the-looting-of-pension-funds-in-south-africa-by-the-ruperts-and-anc-cabal/
BEE was always about transfer of wealth to the ANC elite.

1 thought on “Stripping off the deception of Black Economic Empowerment benefitting the black population in South Africa”

  1. Isn’t it about time the Africans realised that they have been used and abused and thrown to the wayside like garbage!
    Yes, 30 years later and what do you have to show for it but a failed state and have brought fourth another 3rd world country where the rand is now nothing but junk status.
    Was it worth it in the end?
    Will it be worth it in the end when the white man is gone for good.

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