Loving Life TV

Update on the collapse of America as Los Angeles police belatedly round up protestors at University of California campus

Soros undermining the US stability at the moment could be a last desperate move by the Democrats to bring in martial law and obviate a Trump Presidential win in 2024.

2 thoughts on “Update on the collapse of America as Los Angeles police belatedly round up protestors at University of California campus”

  1. Malcom x. Wow he was an Allah believer …. I just watched a video of him. He was a big part of the movement today and yes he was payed to do it just like are gov today… After WW2 They started in on this lie they tell. He may have been right about the news but then again he was a big part of it. Wow here we go hating on the white man and Jesus …. Been played out so good… I guess the people in power didn’t think they would turn on them .. God is in power not man…. All the money and power they have given others throwing their own people under the bus and letting them die not only in wars but on the streets of their own county’s. . What’s sad is the blacks play the part of there game and don’t even know it. Wow l have to say it’s genius … We all just toke the bait 🥶🙈🙏🙏🙏🙏

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