It is with great sadness that I advise Pastor Dan Berriman has emailed me to request that he be excused from a remarkable service he has freely given to the Loving Life community since mid 2020 – when lockdowns were stopping people from going to Sunday services.
For the last four years Pastor Dan has provided loving Life with regular Sunday services – some of his videos have received more than 10,000 views. Dan writes in part: My friend, I am starting to feel my age now, and I just do not have the energy or stamina to cope with demands upon my time, So I have decided to call it a day.
Tomorrow I will put up a tribute to Pastor Dan and his remarkable service to his Loving life community.
You can view Dan’s past Sunday Services by clicking on the archives link midway down the home page and searching on Sunday Service from the archives page – which will take a couple of minutes to load. You can alternatively take this link to the archives page. (Search can be seen TOP RIGHT)

Latest new videos on Loving Life TV:
New featured documentary:
Have a look at the videos posted today:
- This weekend I will post a documentary video on the architectural anomaly visible in plain sight – let’s start with the great pyramid (see link above)
- If Trump’s slogan is Make America Great Again why is all his own Trump merchandise sold at Trump Towers in NYC made in China, Lesotho etc
- Biden and Trump respond to Trump’s guilty finding by a politically compromised judge
- Could KwaZulu Natal be the first region to secede from South Africa following 2024 elections
If you know of someone who has an important story to tell or information about South Africa (politics, business, etc.) that the world should know about please E-Mail Marlena at: livestreams@lovinglifetv.com
If you have or know of YouTube channels or other Alternative Media channels covering South African news that could be considered for inclusion in our Contributing Channels please E-Mail Scott at: host@lovinglifetv.com
New forum links will resume on Monday morning daily newsletter.
New Topics on the Forums:
If you would like a forum, related to South Africa, to be added to our Forums please email Nat at: forums@lovinglifetv.com
Current Forums can be seen at: https://lovinglifetv.com/forums
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Scott Balson
Host Loving Life TV (https://www.lovinglifetv.com)
Whatsapp: +61407477609 Email: homestays@gmail.com