Loving Life TV

Tribute to Pastor Dan Berriman as he retires from delivering our weekly Sunday Service

Pastor Dan Berriman has studied, prepared and delivered Sunday Services for the Loving Life community throughout the covid scam right up until now – four years. While the world locked down churches Christians could listen to Dan’s Sunday Service on line – millions have done so over the years. Now, due to failing health, Dan is retiring.
We will miss you Dan but we will have you in our thoughts and prayers.
God bless!
Search for Sunday Service at this link: https://archives.lovinglifetv.com/

3 thoughts on “Tribute to Pastor Dan Berriman as he retires from delivering our weekly Sunday Service”

  1. Re Izak van Zyl. LL (SCOTT) raised enough money to send him to a private hospital for a heart operation which saved his life, yet when, about four months ago when we got the sad news that the eyesight in Scott’s only seeing eye has deteriorated significantly and that it would cost him around R9 000+ per month to get the essential injections to slow the degeneration of his eye, we have put out a request for donations for Scott. He is a pensioner and hardly gets by, yet for years he gave his life and his vision to warn the world about what was going on. Yet, when I contacted Izak with the request, he did not even respond except for posting it on Boerelegioen FB where people were so nasty and took Scott to the cleaners. How do you even understand such?

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