Loving Life TV

One world government – In their own words – joining the Matrix between Kissinger, Rockefeller and Klaus Schwab (inc UN and WEF)

Klaus Schwab is a student, colleague, and very close friend of Henry Kissinger, and Kissinger is the student of the Rockefellers, who are literal card carrying eugenicists who have repeatedly expressed their open goal in reducing the world population for decades. They’ve written down how they plan to do it and by what means quite thoroughly. The Jaffe memo, NSSM-200 from Kissinger, Club of Rome, Rockefeller Population Council, Carnegie foundation, Bilderberg, and numerous others that paint the picture clearly under the guise of philanthropy and humanitarian efforts. Only the useful idiots give them plausible deniability and assume positive moral intent. START JOINING THE DOTS AND YOUR COMPROMISED POLITICIANS.

JAFFE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_S._Jaffe

2 thoughts on “One world government – In their own words – joining the Matrix between Kissinger, Rockefeller and Klaus Schwab (inc UN and WEF)”

  1. Why do these evil entities live longer than most “normal” people.? Sure, whatever is imbedded in their bloods, did not help for their looks! Most look like shrivelled potatoes

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