Loving Life TV

LIVE: Ian Dobson- What is happening in Antarctica – From flat world theorists, Nazi hideout, UFOs and and and

Very interesting subject regarding what or if the boundary of Antarctica is the south pole or maybe even the proof that the world is flat. Why is tourism in Antarctica banned beyond a certain latitude? What are the US Department of Defence building there? Is there land in a flat earth scenario south of Antarctica? Tonight we discuss with Ian.

2 thoughts on “LIVE: Ian Dobson- What is happening in Antarctica – From flat world theorists, Nazi hideout, UFOs and and and”

  1. @Scott This flat Earth stuff I have been watching video’s of it for over five years now and it’s very convincing how ever, I have not seen one convincing picture or video footage to convince me the Earth is flat. Read the book of Enoch (The Ethiopian version).

  2. We have been taught, contrary to all common sense and experience, that the seemingly motionless, flat Earth beneath our feet is actually a massive moving ball spinning through space at over 1,000 miles per hour, wobbling and tilted 23.5 degrees on its vertical axis, while orbiting the sun at a blinding 67,000 miles per hour, in concert with the entire solar system spiraling 500,000 miles per hour around the Milky Way and careening across the expanding universe away from the “Big Bang” at an incredible 670,000,000 miles per hour, but that you feel and experience none of it! We have been taught that a mysterious force called “gravity,” a magical magnetism responsible for keeping everything from falling or flying off the spinning ball-Earth, is just strong enough to hold people, oceans, and the atmosphere tightly to the surface, but just weak enough to allow bugs, birds and planes to take off with ease!

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