Loving Life TV


Christmas present from the Israeli settlers for Palestinians on the West Bank – the reality of the evil Zionist Israeli government

iFrame is not supported! These are the scenes being hidden from the masses by the Zionist controlled fake mainstream media. Imagine how this video would have gone viral if the victims had been Jewish. If you ever wanted any more proof as to what is in store for us, the “useless eaters”, under a one …

Christmas present from the Israeli settlers for Palestinians on the West Bank – the reality of the evil Zionist Israeli government Read More »

Irish Government Moves To Crack Down On Free Speech After Anti-Immigration Riot

iFrame is not supported! There is a growing anti-free speech movement in Ireland. The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in the Age of Rage, these crackdowns on free speech tend to come with periods of public panic or anger. Anti-free speech advocates use such periods as opportunities to get the public to surrender this core right …

Irish Government Moves To Crack Down On Free Speech After Anti-Immigration Riot Read More »

United Nations launch global campaign to stamp out online misinformation and disinformation

iFrame is not supported! The UN are now taking a leadership role to censor alternative perspectives on a wide range of subjects including the covid scam and climate change. This move is clearly directed by the shadow one world government and follows the discussion on the same subject held at Davos (World Economic Forum) in …

United Nations launch global campaign to stamp out online misinformation and disinformation Read More »