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  • #418483
    Nat Quinn

    September Muse.

    I’d like us to please stop with the movement of ‘transforming yourself’ or ‘changing yourself’ or even ‘re-creating’ yourself!

    Put in another way it is to stop altering or converting yourself to what you think is a better you.

    I know it sounds counter-intuitive but when it’s out of balance it just fuels that unsustainable ‘hustle & grind’ mentality that just leads to burnout, disillusion & even depression.

    The nasty polarized premise here is that we feel we need to dispose of a part of ourselves that we believe is wrong & change into a better version that’s less foul.

    The deeper truth is that nothings missing & you were created unique for a reason.

    Often the ‘transformation’ we undertake is really a rejection of the part of ourself that we think is wrong, incomplete& not enough.

    You never tame anything by rejecting it.

    Rather reconnect with your core self. Not the part of you that judges but the real essence of you that is pure, whole & complete.

    So if ever you feel burned out, then try this:

    Get away from hustle & grind & get into ease, grace& flow

    Release Judgement & get into Surrender

    Release Rejection & get into Acceptance

    Release Resistance & get into Allowing

    Don’t Repress, rather Reconnect, Reawaken, Rediscover,Remember & Return.

    “Instead of striving to become ‘better’, rather recognize & reconnect with the innate wholeness within you, because your true essence is already complete.”

    “In our quest for improvement we often amplify our disconnection with ourself.

    Seek not to change yourself but rather to reconnect to your deeper core self.”

    Your journey is not about transforming yourself,you have no ‘real’ parts to fix or overcome. Your quest is not about changing(trans) form, it’s about reconnecting to your purest original form. So give it all you’ve got but keep it in balance.

    To our collective success

    Brad Cunningham

    Feel free to grab the critical 6 foundation free resources when you join our Labyrinth Circle of Success Community, for more details on these free resources you can checkout our website or just click on the link:


    stroll our labyrinth
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