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Louis Liebenberg preaches naked, from the shower

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  • #390161
    Nat Quinn

    While his ‘tottie’ was obscured from view, a part of Louis Liebenberg’s bum can be seen before he launches into a naked sermon in the shower.

    Louis Liebenberg

    Louis Liebenberg | Picture: Screenshot

    A near-explicit video of diamond dealer Louis Liebenberg is doing the rounds on social media and private messaging platforms after his wife Dezzi captured the visuals and shared them on Facebook.
    The video begins with a shot of Dezziā€™s face as she walks through their home and mentions that she is going to check if her husband is finished with what he was doing.
    She enters the bathroom and the video pans across the room before landing upon the shower where half of her husbandā€™s bum can be seen as he finishes up his shower.
    His new wife, whom he married recently, lets him know that he is on camera and he tells her that he needs to finish up, adding that he needs to make sure he washes his tottie (diminutive slang for penis).
    ā€œAs jy met die volk praat, moet jou tottie reg weesĀ [when you speak to the people, you must make sure your genitals are in order]ā€ he says, as he rinses himself off.
    He then goes on to say that the shower is where ā€œthings happenā€ and where some of his clearest thoughts and dreams occur, stating that this also gives God a chance to speak to him.
    Louis Liebenbergā€™s naked shower sermon
    He then looks straight into the camera while the shower continues to run behind him asking the viewer if they have communed with God in the shower yet. The viewer in question was initially meant to be one of the 80,000 group members from theĀ Forever Diamonds and Gold Facebook groupĀ that belongs to him.
    The video has since found itā€™s way beyond the group.
    Liebenberg then preaches about the omnipotence and omnipresence of God, adding that the shower works as a great vehicle for this as it allows one the time to shut out the noise of the outside world, thus allowing Godā€™s voice to come through even clearer than it normally would.
    Addressing people who come to him with their concerns about the theft an illegal mining of gold, diamond and other minerals, Liebenberg says these people ā€œdonā€™t seem to understandā€ that it all belongs to God.
    ALSO READ:Ā Louis Liebenberg ā€“ Zumaā€™s diamond moneyman on why heā€™s behind Msholozi till the end
    Switching to English from Afrikaans, he then says; ā€œWhen you start becoming a peculiar people and you believe God instead of man then miracles happen. Then everything changes because God is with you.ā€
    He concludes that this is what the ā€œou kramp gatteā€ and ā€œbitter gaaitjiesā€ donā€™t understand.
    Liebenberg most recently made headlines for hisĀ public support for former South African president Jacob ZumaĀ as well as his FGD Scheme whichĀ Netwerk24Ā has called a ponzi scheme.
    The scheme is at the center of a lawsuit filed against him by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). As a result of the suit, his accounts, containing about R100 million, have been frozen and he is said to often use that reason as an excuse for not paying people who poured their funds into the scheme.

    Louis Liebenberg preaches naked, from the shower (citizen.co.za)

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