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BP.471.VIKING BOER – BIBLE PROPHECIES – The Agent of Satan Part 2


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    BP.471.VIKING BOER – BIBLE PROPHECIES – The Agent of Satan Part 2

    Lauren Boebert’s America: The Agent of Satan – Part 2

    Feb 8, 2023 #LaurenBoebert #vatican #TruthMatters
    Uncover the shocking truth about America’s future with Matthew Schanche and Mackenzie Drebit! As they delve into the controversial statement of Congresswoman Lauren Boebert who stated she is “tired of this church and state junk.” Is she paving the way for Satan’s plan? Could a powerful soon-coming Christian force be hiding behind a mask of “morality”? Don’t be left in the dark as the hosts connect the dots and reveal the answers to the mysterious dragon and beast of Revelation 16:13.

    Get ready for the next level of truth-seeking as we explore the false prophet of Revelation 16:13. Discover the identity of the woman, the remnant, and other prophetic symbols. Join the journey as we confront the greatest deception in history. Don’t fall victim to the convincing lies. Know the truth and stay informed.

    Please like, subscribe, and share to all who will hear.

    #LaurenBoebert #MackenzieDrebit #MatthewSchanche #TruthMatters #Prophecy #vatican

    2:10 How we have arrived at our interpretation of prophetic symbols and last day events: The Bible and history confirm our understanding. Our views are not simply denominational traditions.
    4:23 The #1 goal of these podcast is to point people to Jesus Christ, to accept His atoning blood.
    5:49 Today’s episode is a deep dive into Scriptures to identify the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet of Revelation 16. Here we lay the foundation so we can understand what the false prophet is going to do to bring about the unification of church and state through the free will of the people, not military force.
    6:55 Lauren Boebert video: “The church is supposed to direct the government.” “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.” Discussion about the morality movement that’s pushing for destruction of church and state separation.
    11:57 Two-party system result of the French Revolution. Both sides working Satan’s plan. Our position regarding politics. We’re not advocating for secularists only in government. History demonstrates that whenever church directed government, personal liberties were made subject to the common good.
    14:00 Quotes from Great Controversy: Those preaching the three angels’ messages and predicting that religious intolerance would gain control in the United States will be labeled “mere alarmists.” US will give up its historical role as the defender of religious freedom to become a persecuting power of those who keep God’s commandments.
    15:05 The three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 warn that Sunday observance will become a religious.
    15:25 How Revelation 14 connects the beast with the dragon and the false prophet. Bible study on prophetic symbols. Because the Bible interprets itself, we don’t need to speculate on what the symbols represent and who the players are in final events.
    17:10 Identification of the main player in the war and supporting players in the battles described in Revelation. Look at Genesis where the ongoing war is first mentioned. Relationship between Genesis and Revelation. Bible definitions of the serpent, the woman, the remnant.
    23:57 Re-reading the foundational texts with definitions inserted. Genesis 3:14, Revelation 12:17. Defining the testimony of Jesus. Revelation 19:10. Identifying the defining characteristics of God’s people, the remnant. Why this definition disqualifies most denominations.
    30:00 Why keeping the commandments is not legalism. The point of sanctification. The commandments as a barometer. Keeping them doesn’t change your state, but it’s because your state is changed that you keep God’s commandments.
    33:03 The war is between the dragon and God’s church. Who helps the dragon accomplish his goals? Revelation 16:13-14. Three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. What the frogs represent.
    34:40 Identification of the beast. What the Bible says a beast represents: Daniel 7:17, 23. Why the fourth kingdom has to be papal Rome. The beast of Revelation 13:1-2 is a composite of the beasts that Daniel saw. This beast is an agent of Satan.
    40:07 The beast of Revelation 13 is the papacy. The identification of the papacy as the Antichrist did not originate with Seventh-day Adventists. Historical Protestant quotes identifying the leopard-like beast, the Antichrist, with the papacy.
    45:24 The Bible identifies the dragon and the beast of Revelation 16 with certainty. Next episode will be a study identifying the false prophet and its role in the last days.

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