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Farm attack, farmer assaulted, family traumatised by 7 attackers, Bronkhorstspruit

Home Forums ATTACKS AND MURDERS ON OUR SOUTH AFRICAN FARMERS. Farm attack, farmer assaulted, family traumatised by 7 attackers, Bronkhorstspruit

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    Nat Quinn
    A farm attack took place on 2 December 2022, at 17:00, on a farm on Arbor road in Bronkhorstspruit in the Gauteng province of South Africa.

    Seven attackers driving a grey Kia with Mpumalanga registration plates entered a farm under the pretence of buying cattle.
    Suddenly, one of the attackers produced a firearm and started assaulting the farmer. The farmers wife ran off to get assistance from the neighbours while the rest of the family locked themselves in the house.
    The farmer was then hit over the head with a firearm.
    The attackers then proceeded to the home where they demanded entry.
    Then something caused the attackers to panic flee. Some sped off in the vehicle and others fled on foot with the farmers bakkie keys and cell phone.
    Local farmers responded and launched a follow-up operation resulting in the arrest of the seven attackers who were identified by the farmer and some of his workers. The firearm was not recovered.
    Fortunately the farmer was only slightly injured but the family have been severely traumatised by the attack. The family was also survived an attack six years ago.
    Read about more farm attacks here
    Information supplied by Oorgrens veiligheid
    South Africa Today – South Africa News


    Farm attack, farmer assaulted, family traumatised by 7 attackers, Bronkhorstspruit – South Africa Today

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