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  • #460701
    Nat Quinn

    6 Reasons Not to Judge People:

    1. You don’t know what is going on inside another person.

    How many times have you been asked how you are, and said “fine,” even though you weren’t? We all know this is true. We mask our pain. We suffer in silence. We put on the happy/smiley face when we are dying inside. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean another person isn’t hurting. A person’s actions or behaviors may not be any indication of what is going on inside of them.

    2. People are doing the best they can.

    I know this is sometimes difficult to believe about another person. I get that. It’s hard for me at times to believe that about others. But think about it. You know it’s true. It’s complicated! Life is complicated! People are complicated! There are a lot of moving parts inside and outside a person. Aren’t we all a little off – carrying pain, unhealed wounds, ways we protect ourselves, and other dysfunctions we have picked up along the way?

    3. You don’t have all the answers.

    At times we can look at another person’s life and just see all this

    stupid stuff it appears they’re doing. On the outside looking in, another person’s life seems pretty cut and dry to us in terms of what they should be doing or not doing or how they are handing a situation or whatever. It’s amazing how quickly we turn into the infallible personal life coach when it comes to another person’s life!

    4. Being judged hurts.

    It’s quite possible that the most painful human feeling is one of being judged. There’s so much involved – silent pain; being misunderstood; rejection in the very moment we most need understanding, love and acceptance.

    5. Every human being is worth love and acceptance.

    Judging people often leads to objectifying them. People are not objects. A suicide happens every 40 seconds. People will often show up in our lives at the end of their rope… hanging on by a thread. The expression of love, acceptance, understanding and kindness to someone who is struggling or hurting may be the difference between them giving up on themselves and life or finding the courage and hope to keep living.”

    6. Judging others reinforces the lie.

    When we judge others we are perpetuating a toxic delusion on two levels. First, we are reinforcing the lie that a person can be reduced to our perception or experience of them in the moment or over some period of time. This is a denial of the truth that every human being is fundamentally an expression of the one and same pure and ultimate nature or essence. Secondly, judging others reinforces the lie of our separateness, which masks the truth of our underlying oneness.


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