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2023-09-26 at 13:41 #421774
Nat Quinn
KeymasterPrayer and Praise Update
Literature Distribution and Leadership TrainingDear Family and Friends
Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.The Blessings of Good Health
It has been a challenging year with a few medical crises. I’ve spent more time as a patient in hospital this year than in the rest of my adult life combined. Being admitted to hospital 3 times, once for a stroke and twice for kidney stones. So I have reached out to a holistic natural homeopathic medical centre near Somerset West that is focused on nutrition, therapeutic diets, detoxification, immune support and lifestyle management. I am determined not to get sucked into this big Pharma toxic drug spiral into chronic ill-health. Of course the body, mind and spirit holistic medical approach requires a lot more work and planning than taking the prescribed drugs. The doctor declared that my blood was “very clear/clean” which was a surprise to me considering that I have had malaria, tick bite fever and who knows how many other parasites from decades in the field. There were times that Lenora gave me deworming tablets after I returned from the Congo, Rwanda, Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria or Sudan. It is extraordinary that my health is as good as it is considering the places I’ve been, the meals I have been fed in the field and the amount of diseases I have endured. After a thorough examination, they could find no evidence of damage caused by the stroke. By the mercies of God I am completely healed from the stroke! The Lord has lots more work for me to do and I need to be healthy enough to keep up the pace for another 20, or more, years, God willing.
My 3 grandsons, Jeremy, Joshua and Oliver help keep me fit and healthy with muscle stretching adventures and hikes in the forest on the slopes of Table Mountain.Leadership Training and Youth Ministry
So far, this year I have completed three missions, including lecturing on African History at Back to the Bible Mission and conducting a three-day discipleship training course in a prison in Mpumalanga, speaking at the Ministers Conference (of over 2000 ministers and missionaries from more than 60 countries) at KwaSizabantu mission in March and ministering at the Youth Conference (over 7000 young people) in KwaZulu-Natal in July. Tomorrow I travel back to KwaZulu /Natal for further ministry and to speak at the National Alliance for Life conference organised by Doctors For Life in Durban.
I have also been called upon to present regular lectures to the Missions Department of the University of Orange Free State, (both for first years and 3rd years). They have adopted my book: Greatest Century of Missions as a textbook. https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/ item/greatest_century_of_ missions Recently, we screened a Cape Town Premiere of the inspiring new pro-life film, “What Is It?” produced by our friends at Living Waters. This riveting documentary will equip Christians, change minds, and (by the grace of God) be used to bring sinners to a saving faith. It is an effective, humorous and dynamic tool for Evangelism and Discipleship. https://livingwaters.com/
world-premiere-of-pro-life- movie-from-living-waters/ This coming Sunday, 1 October we are organising the Life Chain in Cape Town. https://www.christianaction. org.za/index.php/component/ jevents/icalrepeat.detail/ 2023/10/01/252/-/life-chain- sunday?Itemid=101 The tremendous Challenge of Spectacular Church Growth in Africa
It was a privilege to catch up with our good friend Dan Elmendorf of Redeemer Broadcasting on this radio programme recently. He asked about the Tremendous Strategic and Practical Challenges being faced by Missions in Africa today. Operation World informs us that there are now over 600 million people in Africa claim to be Christians. The number of Christians in Africa is set to double by 2050 when, if present trends continue, our continent is expected to be home to 1.2 billion Christians! There is phenomenal church growth in Africa, but the challenges that over 100 million churchgoers in Africa do not yet have a copy of the Bible, or even a New Testament. Most of the pastors and Africa have no formal Bible college training. Most pastors have no access to a library. Study Bibles are rare and some pastors do not even have a full Bible. Africa’s greatest and most urgent need is Bibles and Bible teaching.: https://soundcloud.com/user-779428885/responding_to_ challenges_and_two_muggings_ in_10_minutes-dr_peter_ hammond?in=user-779428885/ sets/redeemer-broadcasting the Strategic Importance of Literature and Leadership Training in Africa
https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/news/ quartermaster-store-for- missions-throughout-africa https://www. christianlibertybooks.co.za/ item/9780639797038 Our friend Audrey Russo also interviewed me recently concerning political correctness:
https://soundcloud.com/user-779428885/reeltalk-radio-hour- 1?in=user-779428885/sets/reel- to-reel-with-audrey-russo I regularly have the privilege of being interviewed on LovingLifeTV: https://vimeo.com/846520292
Rhodesia Association of South Africa
At the beginning of September, I hosted the Rhodesia Association of South Africa AGM at Livingstone House. It was a privilege to host delegates from the Transvaal and Natal for the AGM. The Rhodesian flag flew from our flagpole throughout the AGM. Hosting the Rhodesia Association of South Africa National management Committee AGM in the Cape of Good Hope challenged my catering and hospitality skills. Lenora was soooo Good at catering and Hospitality, I felt very inadequate to hosting the delegates on my own in our home in Pinelands, but tried to make Lenora proud, putting on the kettle and heating up the food ( as soon as the power failure ended) and using her special Austrian crockery set and table cloth in the home she so lovingly decorated. Daniela raised her eyebrows when she heard that I was planning to have guests on Sunday night for supper. She reminded me that she was going to be up the West Coast for the weekend, to view the wildflowers. I assured her that I knew that and was not presuming on her helping with the catering. Daniela expressed great surprise that I thought I could organise a meal. But, by God’s grace, I did manage. I also organised special commemorative make Zimbabwe Rhodesia again mugs for participants. We had 20 participants join us for the Braai at Livingstone House on Monday night and concluded the AGM by showing Rhodes Cottage to delegates on Wednesday morning. We regularly host events for Rhodesians and seek to protect and preserve our heritage, particularly Rhodes Memorial and Rhodes cottage. https://flf-rasa.co.za/rasa-cape-peninsula/ Memorial Services
Over the last month I have been called on to organise and lead two memorial services, one in Gordons Bay for our long-time friend and stalwart member of Livingstone Fellowship , Helga Strey. You can listen to the message Heaven is a Real Place here: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID= 827231748197908.
To view the Order of Service: https://pubhtml5.com/izbev/vtyl/
One of our Reformation Society ladies, Mrs Goodson, (the mother of our friend, Stephen Mitford Goodson, the economist and author) passed away recently . She was over 101 years old. Accompanied by one of our co-workers, I had the privilege of praying with her and her daughter who was caring for her and we administering the Lord Supper to her in her home. We hosted the memorial service at Livingstone House Upper Room with her family the next Friday. The Memorial Service for Isabelle Goodson was recorded: https://vimeo.com/865879028?share=copy Book launches A Journey to the Truth and Bondservant of Christ
Last month I was busy with Gerda Potgieter launching the new books on KwaSizabantu mission.
To watch the video of the Book Launch a Journey to the Truth : the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission click: https://vimeo.com/847131174?share=copy We interviewed investigative journalist and author Gerda for Radio Tygerberg, and recorded a video interview with her to promote the book. https://www.
christianlibertybooks.co.za/ item/9780639797038 From the Frontline: Ethical and Edifying Journalism: https://fromthefrontline.
podbean.com/e/from-the- frontline-episode-268-ethical- and-edifying-journalism/ Book Launch A Journey to the Truth: https://vimeo.com/847131174
the Truth will set you Free: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID= 724231423537437
To watch the Video of the presentation on a Journey to the Truth : the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission on Sunday Morning click https://vimeo.com/848334315?share=copy
Bad times are good for spiritual work.
The great thing about being slandered, is that we come to learn who our real friends are!You can listen to the message Uprooting the Roots of Bitterness which I presented at KwaSizabantu Mission Malmesbury here: https://www.sermonaudio.com/
sermoninfo.asp?SID= 82123810523814 May God continue to take what man meant for evil and use it for good. God is able to work all things together for good for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose.
Bondservant of Christ
Along with A Journey to the Truth, we have also been promoting the new Bondservant of Christ book. Having read every word of this inspiring book, I cannot recommend it highly enough. As someone who has been regularly visiting KwaSizabantu Mission since 1987, I can testify to the truth of this remarkable book. Having also read God among the Zulus and other books on the Revival, attended almost every ministers conference, I thought I knew a lot about the Mission, but Bondservant of Christ revealed so much more. In fact no one can comprehend just how much God, by His grace, has accomplished through Rev Erlo Stegen and through his family and faithful co-workers. KwaSizabantu mission is the most extraordinary, exemplary and effective mission in all of Africa, possibly in the world. When I asked Rev. Bill Bathman, if I was overstating the case to declare that KwaSizabantu Mission is “the most blessed and effective mission in Africa”, he replied: “Peter, you can upgrade that to the world. I have ministered in 114 countries and there is no ministry on earth to compare with KwaSizabantu Mission in terms of missionary effectiveness and spiritual impact.” I cannot think of any ministry, or government department for that matter, which has accomplished more to practically help people than Uncle Erlo and the Mission of KwaSizabantu . Bondservant of Christ should be required reading for all missionaries and Theological students. Bondservant of Christ is an inspiring case study of an example of excellence in Missions, ministry and Revival. https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/ item/SPX042 An Example of Excellence that should be studied by all Missionaries
This inspiring and challenging book consists of over 300 pages, with over 209 photographs, many of them in colour, including the historic context, conversion and calling behind the Revival. It reveals the historic roots of the unique work of God at KwaSizabantu mission, beginning with the Revival in Germany in the 19th-century and the launch of the North German Mission Society in Hamburg and the Ministry of Louis Harms and the ship they built, the Kandaze to transport Christian missionaries and farming families to reach Africa for Christ. Bondservant of Christ is an extraordinary record of the family background and early life of Erlo Stegen, who from his teenage years has been dedicated to reaching Zulu people for Christ. https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/ item/KSBBONDSERVANT Global Pandemic Treaty Threatens to Censor Free Speech and Suppress Freedom
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
You can view the video of this Reformation Society presentation, here: https://vimeo.com/867164051
you can view a video of the PowerPoint presentation, here: https://vimeo.com/866526381
you can listen to an audio of the lecture, here: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID= 922231320307301 Identifying and Evaluating the Worst Presidents in History https://www.
hmsschoolofchristianjournalism .org/news-articles/ identifying-and-evaluating- the-worst-presidents-in- history You can listen to the Responding to the Challenges that Confront Us message on From the Frontline: https://fromthefrontline.
podbean.com/e/from-the- frontline-responding-to-the- challenges-that-confront-us- 1694081051/
Or read the article with pictures: https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/ articles/responding-to-the- challenges-that-confront-us Stolen Elections Yet Again in Zimbabwe
Evaluating the Recent Elections in Zimbabwe and its Implications
https://www.hmsschoolofchristianjournalism .org/news-articles/stolen- elections-yet-again-in- zimbabwe
Listen to From the Frontline podcast on https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/
https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-abz9h-14909e2 The Coming War with China interview on LovingLifeTV : https://vimeo.com/861668994?
share=copy A Case for Secession
Please pray for the sponsorship needed to print our book A Case for Secession which presents the inspiring examples of successful secessions and the historic, Biblical, legal, political and practical steps for self-determination, independence and freedom: https://www.givesendgo.com/CaseforSecession “Jesus said: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.’ ” Luke 4:18–19
May God continue to be your joy, strength and shield.
Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission
In His serviceDr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship PO Box 74 | Newlands | 7725 | Cape Town | South Africa Tel: +27 21 689 4480 website | email Give Send Go Frontline Fellowship Priority Projects: https://www.givesendgo.com/
Click here to see the Frontline News:. https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/67668888/ frontline-fellowship-news- edition-1-of-2023 See also other Prayer and Praise Updates:
https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/prayer- articles/an-urgent-call-for- prayer-and-action
https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/prayer- -praise-updates/prayer-and- praise-update-mountain- marathon-mission
https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/prayer- -praise-updates/missions-to- mpumalanga-and-kwazulu
God’s Grace and Guidance, Provision and Protection
Prayer & Praise Update – Africa For Christ
Multigenerational Ministries of Multiplication
Steadfast in the Storm
Let the Whole World Hear His Word
Working for Reformation and Praying for Revival in Africa
Applying the Lordship of Christ to All Areas of Life
Surgery, Scorpions and Scripture
Evangelism, Education and Edification
Bad Times Are Good for Spiritual Work
Bibles, Films and Outreaches
Resources for Redemption and Reformation, Remembrance and Rescues
Responding to Ramadan with Digital Evangelism
Perseverance and Productivity Despite Pandemic Panic
Equipping and Empowering Evangelists
Mountain Climbing MarathonFor those who want to prayerfully and financially partner with us in ministry:
Our banking details:
For South African supporters:
Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship
First National Bank – Rondebosch
Branch code: 201509
Acc. No: 5017 0589 260
Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters)
Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for.For overseas supporters wishing to donate into our South African account:
Bank Name/Credit Institution: First Rand Bank
Bank Street Address: Bank City, floor 2
Place: 4 First Place, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000
Account Number: 50170589260
Account Name: Frontline Fellowship
Street Address: 28 Park Road Rondebosch
Place: Cape Town, 7700, South Africa
Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters)
Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated forFor those in North America, we have a new postal address for those wanting to send checks:
and receive a 501© 3 tax deductible receipt:
Frontline North America
PO Box 347
Interlachen, FL 32148
You can also order frontline books from the Frontline North America website: https://sites.google.com/view/frontlinenorthamerica/home You can see the Frontline Annual Reports with pictures here
To view our Frontline PRIORITY PROJECTS for PRAYER and ACTION with pictures, click here
https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/donate- to-frontline-fellowship— south-africa.html -
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