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This Week in the World Affairs Brief-JOEL SKOUSEN

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    Nat Quinn

    This Week in the World Affairs Brief


    Given the early 2022 polling numbers showing a pending massive “red wave” backlash to the Democratic Party’s radical agenda, even the Democrats were resigned to a massive defeat in November. But behind the scenes, unbeknownst even to ordinary Democrats, Deep State operatives were busy planning subtle election fraud according to a political map that would produce enough votes to key democrats without appearing as obvious fraud. I think this was mostly done through prepared computer software that could manipulate the results of any election by a percentage spread, with the key parts of the software uninstalling itself after the results had been altered so as to be untraceable. While you might think this kind of invisible computer altering of votes could be used against all conservatives, the skewed results would be too obvious and reveal the fraud, it partially happened in 2020 where the ballot drops produced so much obvious fraud. So, instead this tool (and others) are only being used selectively to rig only those elections crucial to the Deep State’s overall plan. It appears to me that these covert operators devised an election strategy to foil just enough Republican wins to blunt their momentum this election cycle and blame Trump for the “failure of the big red wave,” and hopefully damaging his chances of winning the GOP nomination in 2024. Although Republicans still gained a slim majority in the House, enough senate races were swung to the Democrats that they regained control of the upper chamber where they can thwart any conservative legislation—if such an agenda could get past the RINO Republican leadership in the House. To receive a free one-time sample, click on Request a Sample on the Left


    Daily News

    YouTube Censors Reality, Boosts Disinformation: Part 1

    Nov 22, 2022
    YouTube censored this site for accuracy, yet new news today underscores that they continue to hype fake news. — Matt Taibbi

    Hunter Biden Laptop Repairman Reveals “Chilling” Warning From FBI Agent

    Nov 22, 2022
    “That’s when Agent Mike turned around and told me that, in their experience, nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things,” — ZeroHedge

    “Users Have A Right To Know”: Class Action Lawsuit Sheds Light Onto Google’s Opaque Data-Mining Practices

    Nov 22, 2022
    It turns out that big tech companies may not be as committed to your privacy as their PR departments would have you believe – go figure. — ZeroHedge

    ‘I don’t have the faintest idea what Google has on me’: Google fell short on privacy promises, employees say.

    Nov 22, 2022
    Newly unsealed court records reveal executives candidly talking discussing about subverting user consent in their products. — Market Watch

    NBC: Body Cam Footage Shows Paul Pelosi Opened Door For Police Before Alleged Attack

    Nov 22, 2022
    As it turns out, Miguel Almaguer was right. NBC now reports that police body cam footage has been made available to some media outlets and the footage clearly shows Paul Pelosi opening the door for police in seemingly perfect health. This contradicts the DOJ report on the attack and suggests a potential cover-up. — ZeroHedge

    Sam Bankman-Fried and the Pandemic Industrial Complex

    Nov 22, 2022
    This is the modern political machine in all its stark, inhuman nihilism. Once the machine is fed its priority, whether through fear, fraud, or outright corruption, then all its cogs snap into place—from the politicians and officials to the billionaires and journalists—and the only wrong a person can do is to oppose its priorities. The intent never mattered. The legality never mattered. The truth never mattered. The data never mattered. The results never mattered. — Michael P Senger

    Arizona AG Launches Investigation Into Maricopa County ‘Election Irregularities’

    Nov 22, 2022
    Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has questioned the media’s premature declaration that her opponent, Democrat Katie Hobbs – who wasn’t exactly popular, won. The letter demands a full report on how voting machine and printer issues were handled, along with a copy of each polling location’s Official Ballot Report, as well as explanations for any discrepancies. — ZeroHedge

    They Will Lock You Down Again

    Nov 22, 2022
    The lords of lockdown barely escaped their worst possible fate, namely that the topic would become the national and international source of scandal that it should be. And let’s add the vaccine mandates here too: even if such had been morally justified, which they were not, there is absolutely no practical reason for them at all. — Brownstone Institute

    Heavy Shelling At Ukraine’s Largest Nuclear Plant: “You Are Playing With Fire!”

    Nov 22, 2022
    Concerns are mounting over the potential for radioactive fallout and disaster at the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine following large explosions heard at the site over the weekend. Like with prior incidents of shelling and fighting coming near the sensitive facility, each warring side is blaming the other for these latest attacks. — ZeroHedge

    Gun Sales Skyrocket After Oregon Passes Measure Restricting Gun Rights

    Nov 21, 2022
    With just three weeks until Measure 114 takes effect, background checks to purchase a gun jumped from about 850 per day before the election to 4,000 per day after, according to Oregon State Police. The new law, in addition to limiting sales of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, will require buyers to obtain a permit to purchase any firearm. To obtain that permit, the measure requires buyers to complete firearms training in a class that does not yet exist in the state. It also requires law enforcement to create a publicly accessible database of those who apply for or obtain a permit. — ZeroHedge

    US Prosecutors Opened Probe Of FTX Months Before Collapse

    Nov 21, 2022
    While Southern District prosecutors did exactly nothing to contain the FTX fraud enabled by both the fawning media and bribed politicians, that’s not to say they have never acted: according to Bloomberg, they previously invoked the Bank Secrecy Act in 2020 against senior employees at the Seychelles-based crypto platform BitMEX, which allegedly allowed more than $209 million of transactions with known dark-net markets. BitMEX argued it didn’t need anti-money laundering or know-your-customer policies in part because it didn’t have US customers and wasn’t registered in the US. But clients circumvented the platform’s attempts to block IP addresses in the US, according to a government sentencing memo filed in federal court. — ZeroHedge

    “Grade-A Gaslighting”: FDA Says Anti-Ivermectin Campaign Was ‘Just A Recommendation’

    Nov 21, 2022
    The FDA’s actions “clearly convey that this is not an acceptable way to treat these patients,” he argued. Plaintiffs in the case include Dr. Paul Marik, who began utilizing ivermectin in his COVID-19 treatment protocol in 2020 while he was chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and director of the intensive care unit at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. — ZeroHedge

    Silver Demand On Pace For Record Year

    Nov 21, 2022
    There are signs that silver is significantly undervalued. The silver-gold ratio is currently over 83-1. That means it takes over 83 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. To put that into perspective, the average in the modern era has been between 40:1 and 50:1. Historically, the ratio has always returned to that mean. And when it does, it does it with a vengeance. The ratio fell to 30-1 in 2011 and below 20-1 in 1979. — Schiff Gold

    Teams Abandon Rainbow Armband For World Cup Matches After FIFA Threat

    Nov 21, 2022
    As for the European teams and the now banned “One Love” armband, their supposed “principled” stance collapsed pretty rapidly the moment they realized it could impact game outcome (given the Yellow Card threat) based on the FIFA ruling (revealing what it really is: yet more trendy virtue signaling in corporate branding based on “the current thing”). — ZeroHedge

    World Affairs Brief



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