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World Affairs Brief November 11th, 2022-JOEL SKOUSEN

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    Nat Quinn

    World Affairs Brief, November 11, 2022 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

    Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel
    Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com).

    This Week’s Analysis:

    Blaming Trump for the Failure of a “Red Wave” Midterm Election

    The Wrong People are Promoting DeSantis

    News Shorts

    Preparedness Tip: Cold Weather Battery Care


    The mainstream media talking heads and Democrat partisans were jubilant that the predicted “red
    wave” of anti-Biden backlash didn’t seem to materialize in Tuesday’s midterm elections, except
    in Florida. By Wednesday the political analysis had changed from “Democrats doing better than
    expected” to “Conservatives are starting to blame Donald Trump after the Republican “red wave”
    failure.” Following that there was positive talk by mainstream and establishment pundits for Gov.
    Ron DeSantis of Florida being the only Republican politician they eagerly view as capable of
    denying Trump the GOP nomination in 2024. Leave it to the mainstream media to spin what
    should have been a political disaster into an anti-Trump victory. But Trump was hardly
    responsible for the surprisingly poor results for key Republicans. Completely missing in the
    mainstream news analysis is any hint that election computer and ballot fraud is still with us, and
    although the outward results paint the same picture, the evidence of vote tampering is more
    carefully hidden than last time. The 2020 election was indeed stolen from Donald Trump, but his
    attorneys failed to use the best evidence of both computer vote flipping, disappearing Trump
    votes, and massive illegal ballot drops that I presented in my election coverage in the WAB. This
    legal failure by the Trump team to document the crime provided the mainstream media the easy
    excuse to label anyone believing in election fraud as an “election denier.” This week I will cover
    the various factors, including vote fraud, that led to this second election fiasco in a row.

    Not all voting results are completely skewed and some good candidates made it through the
    gauntlet. Let’s first review the good results:

    Florida: Governor Ron DeSantis pulled out a landslide 19 point victory over the closet-gay
    candidate Charlie Crist who has now lost for the third time. Sen. Marco Rubio, a mainstream
    Republican, also came out with a large 17 point victory. In all, there were 20 new Republicans
    elected to the US House as opposed to 8 Democrats.

    Governorships: Republicans won a total of 16 governorships, including Ron DeSantis of
    Florida, and Kristi Noem of South Dakota, two standouts who fought against the Covid
    lockdowns and vaccine mandates. New Hampshire Governor Sununu won an unprecedented 4th
    term. But some who won are RINO Republicans like Brian Kemp of Georgia and Brian Little of
    Idaho. Gov. Brian Kemp beat radical Democrat Stacey Abrams but he betrayed the election that
    Trump won in Georgia, so Kemp is no win for conservatives. Governor Greg Abbott won in
    Texas besting radical anti-gunner Beto O’Roarke, but Abbott is a compromising Republican at
    heart and has only taken tough stances recently to bolster his image. Most Republican governors
    are mainstream supporters of the establishment.

    In Utah Senator Mike Lee came out much farther ahead of the pro-Biden, so-called
    “independent” candidate, Evan McMullin, compared to what liberal Utah polling was saying.
    This is unsurprising, since polls usually show a favoritism for the left that is usually revealed as
    unjustified by the final vote tally. The Left/liberal establishment from out of state poured millions
    into McMullin’s candidacy, knowing that no Democrat could get elected in Utah, so McMullin
    was falsely depicted as a “non-woke” independent patriot with no intentions of caucusing with
    either party. But it was a lie that was, fortunately, made transparent late in the race by several
    well-placed ads in Lee’s favor.

    Other Results, Mostly Bad

    In Pennsylvania Dr. Mehmet Oz (a RINO Republican) lost to Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (who has
    been debilitated by stroke), despite the latter being roundly panned for his poor debate
    performance. I highly suspect fraud here in PA since many independent voters vowed to vote
    against Fetterman due to his confused debate performance. Also in the state, GOP Pro-Trump
    gubernatorial contender Doug Mastriano was defeated by state Attorney General Josh Shapiro by
    over 13 points. All of this added to the media’s delight in saying that a Trump endorsement was
    the kiss of death, politically.

    Colorado: Anti-Trump, RINO Republican Joe O’Dea lost to Democrat Michael Bennett.

    New Hampshire: Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan defeated Republican General Don Bolduc, a
    good conservative and Trump Republican.

    Georgia Senate: Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock, who won last time through Georgia vote
    fraud in a runoff election got another mystery ballot drop to boost him ahead of flawed
    Republican candidate Herschel Walker. That means the result will be delayed until next month
    with a yet another runoff election. Just like last time, I expect the Democrat to win by fraud.

    Michigan Governor: A very good conservative, Tudor Dixon, lost to radical Democrat governor
    Gretchen Whitmer, who presided over some of the worst Covid emergency orders of any state
    and who defied a court order declaring her emergency powers unconstitutional.

    New York: Independent candidate Diane Sare, who was challenging Sen. Chuck Schumer,
    noticed she lost over 20,000 votes between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. That’s what
    happens with computer vote manipulation, as I will explain shortly.

    Minnesota: The first transgender lawmaker was elected to the Minnesota House on Tuesday
    night after Leigh Finke (D) won the MN Twin Cities district 66A seat.

    Abortion: Three states put abortion “rights” into their constitution so it would be immune from
    state legislatures banning this practice: Vermont, Michigan, and California. CA also banned
    Sports gambling, demonstrating that population’s skewed priorities.

    The Delayed and Undecided

    Alaska: As of Wednesday morning, conservative challenger Kelly Tshibaka (R) held a narrow
    lead over incumbent RINO Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). But Tshibaka’s 44% was
    not enough to win an outright majority in the four-candidate race, given Alaska’s system of
    lumping all the top 3 choices together and forcing a recount. If Murkowski wins enough
    second-choice votes — including from the 9.5% of voters who chose the lone Democrat in the
    race — then she will win and retain her Senate seat. -Another likely win for the other side.

    Arizona: Charismatic Republican Kari Lake’s bid to become governor of Arizona and undo all
    the built-in election fraud in that state is herself probably going to lose because of fraud.
    Ironically, she’s running against the same Secretary of State that oversaw the election fraud in
    2020—Katie Hobbs. But, as I pointed out in prior WAB, Lake talks up all the right conservative
    and moral issues, but her former Democrat past and close association with Arizona’s top drag
    queen leads some to suspect she’s not as conservative as she claims to be.

    The Senate will likely fall into complete Democrat control because of the vote fraud in Arizona,
    denying conservative Blake Masters a seat in the US Senate. Adam Laxalt in Nevada will
    probably win over his Latino woman opponent, Cortez Masto, but it won’t make up for the
    deficit of losing AZ and GA to fraud.

    If Republicans take back control of the House, it will be by a slim margin, which means the
    many RINO Republicans who vote with Democrats in the House can easily thwart any strong
    conservative attempts to undo the damage of the Biden agenda. But it also means that the real
    conservatives in the House, the Freedom Caucus, will have more leverage than before, as NBC
    News worries. Kevin McCarthy hopes to become speaker, but he’s a dangerous compromiser.

    In 2015, bomb-throwers [a pejorative by NBC] in the House Freedom Caucus derailed Kevin
    McCarthy’s quest to become speaker. Seven years later, members of the ultraconservative,
    Trump-aligned group are once again causing major headaches for McCarthy as the
    California Republican makes another run for the top job. Republicans would have a
    razor-thin majority should they win.

    McCarthy has spent years trying to position himself to be the next Republican House
    speaker. The job holds tremendous power, including the ability to control legislation on the
    floor and influence the makeup of committees.

    Because the majority could be so thin, McCarthy will need the support of nearly every
    Republican. That has given the Freedom Caucus enormous leverage.

    So far, no one has stepped forward to challenge McCarthy. He shouldn’t have a problem
    winning a simple majority of Republicans at a closed-door meeting of his members on
    Tuesday. Former President Donald Trump has endorsed McCarthy for speaker [a mistake],
    as have other potential rivals and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a Freedom Caucus leader.

    But a small handful of Republicans could keep McCarthy from winning the speaker’s gavel
    during the public vote on Jan. 3, the first day of the new Congress. He needs 218 Republican
    votes on the House floor — Democrats won’t help — meaning it’s possible fewer than a
    dozen conservatives could derail McCarthy’s chances and throw the process into certain

    “No one currently has 218” votes, said Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, as he emerged from a
    private Freedom Caucus meeting near the Capitol where members were discussing their

    Despite the overall disappointing results, there is no denying that a big red wave existed.
    Dissatisfaction with Biden is still obvious with his approval ratings down in the low 30s. It will
    get even lower now that Republican efforts to stop the Democrat’s radical agenda will be blunted
    once Democrats control the Senate and Biden’s veto. And believe me when I say radical agenda:
    Biden and his crony are getting ready to ban assault weapons, confirm radical judges, pass a
    national law protection abortion, and dozens of other draconian economic bills aimed at
    demonizing carbon, non-electric cars, oil and gas, and coal.

    Already, at a NY rally Biden let slip that he was going to ban all drilling for oil, despite blaming
    oil companies for not drilling enough just last Wednesday—blatant hypocrisy! His yes-girl White
    House spokeswoman said he was misunderstood, but look at what he actually said, according to

    A young woman standing front and center held up a sign protesting Biden for allowing
    drilling on federal lands. Biden responded, “No more drilling. There is no more drilling,” as
    he finished up speaking at a rally at Sarah Lawrence College in New York for Gov. Kathy
    Hochul (D-NY). “I haven’t formed any new drilling.”

    The activist responded to Biden by noting there is still offshore drilling in the Antarctic and
    off of the Gulf of Mexico. “That was before I was president,” Biden said. “We’re trying to
    work on that — get that done.”

    All this talk about banning oil, gas and coal will turn out to threaten our very transportation and
    energy existence as war approaches, preceded by an EMP strike. When the grid goes down for a
    year, those with electric cars are going to be dead in the water. And, the trouble with all this
    futurist talk about an all-electric world is that oil companies are not investing in new refineries.
    When we once again wake up to our complete dependence on carbon-based energy (having
    eschewed nuclear) we’re going to see massive shortages. People who doggedly stuck with the
    Democrats in the Midterms will truly regret their shortsightedness.

    As Left/liberal pundits tried to explain on Tuesday evening why so many races turned out
    unexpectedly blue, some tried to say that many Democrats refused to vote Republican even when
    dissatisfied with Biden because there is a decided resistance for long-term Democrats to switch
    parties even when their own party’s policies are a disaster. They say this because of their
    ideological commitment to the false notion that “we are the party of mercy and giving” (with
    other people’s money). It’s true there is a deep ideological divide between the basic tenets of
    Democrats and Republicans (though in practice Republican leaders tend to compromise with the
    Left quite frequently to move legislation along).

    But, that shouldn’t be true of independents who are dissatisfied with both parties. But the mere
    fact that they aren’t on the ideological Right indicates that they still hold on to Left/liberal or
    labor union notions of benefits, and thus are still resistant to voting for a true conservative

    That is one explanation for the mismatch between the high dissatisfaction of Democrat and
    Independent voters with Left/liberal policies and their unwillingness to switch votes. But, I don’t
    believe for a minute that it is enough to explain what happened on Tuesday.

    The only silver lining the Epoch Times could draw from the lackluster GOP performance was
    that the margin of loss was getting smaller between 2016 and 2020—hardly encouraging given
    the stakes.

    With all the documentation of computer and mail-in ballot vote fraud that has been
    documented since November 2020, why would the Democrats give up all that illicit power
    and play it straight when they were facing a broad-based defeat?

    They wouldn’t and they didn’t. But, they did try to be much more subtle and secret about it this
    time around knowing how close they came to having the truth about fraud revealed last election.
    They couldn’t afford to have such a massive overwhelming Democrat victory that would be
    impossible to explain. So, I believe they carefully watched each crucial race and added just
    enough ballots and flipped just enough computer votes to accomplish their purpose.

    It also helped for the mainstream media to tamp down hard on the notion of vote fraud in election
    in both bureaucratic local announcements and in the cable news media. I got weary of hearing
    election officials in Democratic strongholds bragging about how secure the election was. It
    wasn’t and they knew they were lying.

    One of the first big hints I saw of this manipulation was the universal notion presented by media
    pundits that “Democrats were doing better and conservatives were doing worse than pre-election
    polling suggested.” That’s never been historically true except in the 2020 election which was
    stolen. Pollsters are almost all on the Leftist side and constantly skew polling results in favor of
    Democrats prior to the election in order to sway votes.

    When the votes come in (absent fraud) conservatives in the past have fared better than Democrats
    despite the polls. That’s why exit polling which tallies the votes of nearly all voters leaving the
    polls was always more accurate than telephone polling and known to show a stronger
    conservative vote than polls predicted.

    That’s why in 2016 and the big steal of 2020, exit polling was highly discouraged because it
    tended to limit how much fraud they could do without it showing up in the wide disparity with
    exit polls. It was banned in 2020 due to the exaggerated lockdowns of Covid.

    In 2016 there was the normal amount of election fraud by Democrats, and Hillary thought it was
    going to be enough—that’s why she assumed she would be victorious. But it wasn’t. The big red
    wave of Trump support overwhelmed the approx 10% level of fraud. But normal fraud did
    account for Hillary’s nominal superior numbers in total votes. She lost in electoral votes.

    In this year’s midterms we also saw batches of Democrat ballots that were illegally inserted into
    the count, as in 2020, but only in sufficient quantities to skew the results enough to win, and only
    in certain crucial races to gain the desired result. Here are some of the results Mike Lindell’s
    team found that illustrate ballot drops (you have to click on the links to see the graphs):

    [The] Same “Biden Bump” phenomenon seen during 2020 election appears to have been
    observed Tuesday night. Many aspects of the 2022 midterms Tuesday night appeared to be a
    replay of the suspicious activity seen during the 2020 presidential election.

    During the 2020 race, Dems blamed Donald Trump’s loss on a “red mirage” that showed
    him in the lead on election night, however in the following days he was overtaken by Joe
    Biden as Dems received massive overnight ballot dumps they claimed came from mail-in
    voting, as they also miraculously found thousands of Democrat votes.

    They cite as an example a graph by Gary Bernstein on Twitter that showed that,

    Michigan got a 5% ballot drop that were ~all-Biden, ~0 for trump. The votes below were all
    added suddenly at 6am creating that 1 very odd bump. It smacks of “finding” the exact
    number of votes needed to win, after the real results came in

    Lindell highlighted bizarre anomalies in multiple races, blaming the losses Republicans sustained
    on electronic voting machines that can be easily manipulated. But the example he cites could
    either have been illicit ballot drops or computer manipulation.

    “They went for the complete steal!” Lindell remarked on Truth Social, referring to a
    Midterm results graph showing suspicious activity in the Minnesota governor’s race between
    Tim Walz (D) and Scott Jensen ÂŽ.Minnesota was stolen from Scott Jenson by one big boost
    at the beginning at 22:10 PM. See it here.The rest of the evening, both partiers were getting
    equal bumps.

    Discussing the Illinois Senate race pitting incumbent Tammy Duckworth (D) against
    Republican challenger Kathy Salvi, Lindell noted a bizarre “million vote spike,” which he
    attributed to “corrupt electronic voting machines.”See it here.

    The “Biden Bump” also appeared to emerge in the Michigan House race between Elissa
    Slotkin (D) and Tom Barrett (R), where the candidates were neck and neck until a
    post-midnight bump in votes in favor of the Democrat candidate.

    “Another race being stolen in the middle of the night,” Lindell commented in reference to a
    graph showing a dubious late-night/early morning vote spike in the Michigan attorney
    general race which favored of Democrat Dana Nessel over Republican candidate Matthew
    de Perno.

    Early in the night, Lindell also noticed a strange trend in the Georgia Senate race, where
    Democrat incumbent Raphael Warnock suddenly accumulated a massive lead over
    Republican challenger Herschel Walker.“They are currently stealing Herschel Walker’s
    race with the machines!” Lindell again declared.

    With numerous reports of voting machine glitches and malfunctions on top of ballot issues
    across the country, Lindell’s observance of the mysterious bumps in votes – all in favor of the
    Democrat Party – may require a more thorough investigation.

    What this tells us is that someone is watching the results, holding a batch of Dem ballots in
    reserve and then injecting them to skew the final tally. Sometimes they do this early, sometimes
    later in the tally.

    This is easy to do in Georgia where Democrats control and staff the major ballot counting
    centers. As I covered in the WAB in the 2020 election, both Georgia and Arizona were notorious
    for vote fraud by inserting falsified ballots:

    There were 35,000 illegal ballots found in Georgia, and over 100K obsolete voter
    registrations found, plus those of dead people, deleted after the election.” In Arizona, the
    audit there found 74,000 ballots returned and counted in the 2020 Election had no record of
    being sent out!

    The suspicious vote tabulator machines in Maricopa County, AZ (the 3rd largest county in the US
    by population) allowed for illegal ballot drops to be inserted later. The machines would reject a
    high percentage of ballots by citizens voting in-person at polling stations, and they were then
    instructed to put their uncounted ballot into a drop box to be counted later, adding to the huge
    delays always experienced in Arizona.

    Over 600K ballots have yet to be counted in AZ delaying that crucial election decisions for days.
    Why can’t states be like Florida which processed 11M ballots by starting 22 days earlier as soon
    as mail in ballots came in, with no glitches? In 2020, it was during the wee hours of the morning
    when voting counting was claimed to have shut down for the night that thousands of Biden
    ballots were brought in and counted.

    Republican candidate for Governor, Kari Lake complained loudly about voting machine
    breakdowns and subsequent shenanigans by election officials instructing voters to place their
    ballots in specific boxes to be taken to another location.

    “Two minutes into voting, we had people being told, ‘well, you’re gonna have to put your
    little ballot over here into another box guys,’” Lake told her supporters late Tuesday.“We
    will declare victory, and we will get to work turning this around. No more incompetency and
    no more corruption in Arizona elections.”

    Infowars.com said,

    Bill Gates, Chairman of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors said, “In about 20 percent of
    vote centers… when people will go, and they try and run the ballot through this tabulator,
    maybe one out of every five or so of those ballots they’re not going through.”

    Breitbart added,

    The poll worker said: “So what happens; we have two tabulators. One of the tabulators is
    not working, okay. The other tabulator is taking about 75 percent successful, so 25 percent of
    them are being misread, and it could be a printer issue, or it could be the tabulator itself. So
    when it’s misread, you have an option to put it into what’s called “Box Three” and it gets
    read. Whether it goes downtown and gets read manually or whether it gets refed into our
    tabulators, it will get read. No one’s trying to deceive anyone.

    However, Dr. Kelli Ward, the Republican Party of Arizona Chairwoman, urged voters not to
    place their ballots in the third box for tabulation, asserting that Maricopa County “will NOT
    be tabulating ballots downtown today.”

    She emphasized that once “you’ve signed in at a polling location, you cannot spoil your
    ballot and go somewhere else.” If you have already “checked in” at a Maricopa County
    voting location where the tabulators do not work, you should not leave and go to another
    location without casting a vote. Your provisional ballot at the new location likely will not

    You can see how all this is frustrating and irritating to voters in Arizona. The poll worker’s
    statement may be sincere about no deception intended, but anytime ballots get shifted around to
    different places for counting there is the opportunity to insert false ballots as happened in

    Ironically, former Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (who is running for governor) was in charge of
    the election machinery in AZ during the 2020 steal. She stonewalled and resisted subpoenas to
    allow AZ Senate investigators access to the actual voting machines. Neither would she give
    access to routers, chain of custody records or ballot images. What was she hiding? The Senate
    had to do a third recount because of all the irregularities found earlier that need more
    confirmation. But when you re-count altered computer data, it’s always going to show the same
    false result. ZeroHedge published a summary of the audit irregularities in 2020 in AZ, which are
    dramatic in scope, but didn’t determine what ballots were altered in favor of Biden.

    -74k more ballots received than requested by voters.

    -10k additional voters added to the voting rolls AFTER election day.

    -The election server was hacked during the election.

    -Remote access to the election server was available at all times during voting.

    -All logs about who accessed the server were wiped in March, 2021, prior to audit.

    -Original and duplicate ballots were not marked and cannot be verified.

    -The number of votes certified does not match the number of ballots sent in for audit.

    These are the kinds of statistics that were brought to judges who dismissed them saying there’s
    no evidence those numbers would have changed the outcome of the election. Well, I have long
    presented facts that do provide the numbers, but the Trump team never got those numbers
    because Trump’s legal team was sabotaged by his deep state attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

    Computer Vote Fraud

    The fact that anyone with the proper log in codes (which are numerous) could have had remote
    access to Arizona’s tabulation computers is evidence that the Arizona system was wide open for
    computer fraud. The fact that the logs of who accessed the tabulation server during and after the
    election were wiped clean is further evidence that officials were trying to hide the evidence of
    computer tampering.

    A computer expert was hired to alter election results and show how the program to do so could
    then command itself to self erase without a trace. “Clint” Curtis is an American attorney,
    computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil. See his testimony here.

    Curtis testified under oath in front of the U.S. House Judiciary claiming that he was hired by
    authorities to help rig the outcome of U.S. elections. Curtis told the court in 2000 that he was
    hired by Congressman Tom Freeny to build prototype software that would allow authorities
    to push the results to a 51/49 outcome if needed.

    What this means is that a programmer can set a program inside the software of tabulation
    computers at the county or state level to monitor the results as they come in. If the
    preprogrammed winner does not achieve a certain percentage win (i.e. 51%) the program will
    change the final tally to reflect that percentage and then self-erase to show no trace.

    A computer tabulation system that has internet access can be accessed at any time before or
    during the tally and insert more votes via this process, and even have the machine produce a
    certain percentage outcome for a selected candidate.

    The insertion of the illegal software before the vote is the most difficult to discover because it
    would show no intervention during the vote, and self-erase after it has done its work. But the fact
    that Maricopa County deleted all the visitor access logs tends to indicate someone intervened
    during the vote one or more times and didn’t want it discovered.

    Because it is unlikely states will ever give up computer ballot reading and tabulation or mail in
    ballots, there is a way to make sure computer manipulation of the results is made almost

    The best way I know of to stop computer vote fraud is to design a vote tabulation/ballot reader
    machine that does all the computation and final output by hardwired circuits, no software input at
    all on the end result.

    Software could only be used on the front end to input the electoral offices or issues and the
    number of candidate choices (including yes or no on ballot issues). The software would be
    limited to fill in the blanks of pre-determined forms to set up the display, nothing else.

    While it’s true that only sophisticate software can read the anomalies of different shades of
    darkened circles used on ballots, that’s the only means to which programmers could try to skew
    the reading of voter input. But a uniform test sheet with various shades of markings could easily
    detect if the machine is reading ballots in error.

    Evidence of Computer Fraud

    Let’s revisit together the most comprehensive private investigation of computer fraud in the 2020
    election in Maricopa County, AZ, because the same people are in charge of this election.

    Shortly after the questionable results of the 2020 election, Liz Harris, an Arizona Realtor, got a
    hold of the public voter registration rolls from Maricopa County—the 12/10/2020 VM34
    Maricopa County Registration List, which is publicly available. The rolls record the name and
    address and if the registered voter did vote in the recent election, not who they voted for, which is
    private information.

    She first started investigating the number of dead persons still on the rolls, but then decided she
    could do a more comprehensive audit of ballot falsification if she got enough volunteers together
    to go house-to-house and survey several thousand voters in the county to determine if their vote
    got counted. She ended up with hundreds of volunteers who visited nearly 12,000 of the 2.6M
    residents in this the 3rd largest county in America by population. They only got successful
    answers from 4570, which is still a large basis for data. The results were shocking:

    Lost Votes: During the canvass, hundreds of people who showed in the Maricopa County
    records as not voting in the election reported that they actually did vote in the election.

    During the canvass, of the 4,570 registered voters we gathered data on, 964 individuals were
    interviewed at their residence who were registered to vote in Maricopa County but whom the
    county said did not vote.

    Of those 964, 34.23%, or 330 people, said they had actually voted.

    Overall, that equates to 505,709 people in the county registered to vote who did not have a
    vote recorded in the election. [34% of those yields an] estimated 173,104 voters that had
    their votes stolen. Given the canvass confidence interval of 1.5, this number technically
    ranges from 165,518 to 180,690 voters.

    Harris either did not try or could not establish how many of those disappeared votes were
    Republican, but given the results, I suspect most were Republican in order to defeat Trump. But
    another researcher, Matt Braynard, data chief for the Trump campaign did poll Republican voters
    in several states

    He phone surveyed 710 registered republican voters in Arizona who did not have a vote
    recorded by the State. In his survey 356, or 50.1%, of those surveyed stated that they had in
    fact cast a mail-in ballot. His results for other states were thus:

    PA: 41.86%

    GA: 44.08%

    MI: 32.61%

    WI: 20.00%

    That’s a lot of votes not recorded.

    Williams College Professor Steven Miller, a Yale and Princeton trained math expert, said he
    analyzed Pennsylvania ballot data collected by former Trump campaign data chief Matt
    Braynard as well as 2,684 voter interviews conducted by a phone bank and found two
    concerning patterns. One involved possible votes that were not counted, the other ballots that
    appeared to be requested by someone other than a registered voter.

    “I estimate that the number of ballots that were either requested by someone other than the
    registered Republican or requested and returned but not counted range from 89,397 to

    That was more than enough to have made a difference in the election of 2020

    Because of the high number of missing votes, I’m fairly certain these votes were eliminated by
    computer tally manipulation. In fact, this is what the hacked Edison Research data showed in
    the overall election of 2020—how many votes for Trump were either switched to Biden or
    disappeared [From my World Affairs Brief November 13, 2020]:

     • Pennsylvania: Switched: 220,883; Lost Votes: 941,248

     • New Jersey : Switched: 80,242; Lost Votes: 20

     • Florida: Switched: 21,422; Lost Votes: 456

     • Michigan: Switched: 20,213; Lost Votes: 21,882 [total of 41k lost to Trump]

     • New York: Switched: 18,124; Lost Votes: 623,213

     • Georgia: Switched: 17,407; Lost Votes: 33,574

     • Ohio: Switched: 14,965; Lost Votes: 5,102

     • Virginia: Switched: 12,163; Lost Votes: 789,023

     • Arizona: Switched: 4,492; Lost Votes: 0

    It is interesting that Edison Research data, which compiles all state election data to relay to the
    media didn’t record any lost votes for Trump in AZ. But the Harris research shows there were
    over a hundred thousand lost votes, at least half of which had to be for Trump. This means that
    the votes were disappeared in local tabulation computers before being relayed to Edison.

    The Edison data evidence is pretty good proof the 2020 election was stolen in large part by
    computer manipulation and those computers are still in use today. Illegal ballot dumps show up
    as abnormal jumps in votes for one candidate only. Disappearing votes can only be done by
    manipulation of computer tallies.

    Sadly, unless someone hacks into election data computers as they did with Edison, this computer
    manipulation can never be discovered. That’s what happened in Brazil last week where President
    Bolsonaro’s party won most of their legislative races, but Communist Lulu Da Silva appeared to
    win the presidency.

    Bolsonaro asked the military to investigate and that report came out this week saying they could
    find no evidence of vote fraud. That’s probably true—not that there wasn’t fraud, but that they
    couldn’t document it because of the intricacies of computer forensics, after the fact, are nearly
    impossible to determine.

    In summary, though I have no proof that the previous use of computer and ballot vote fraud is
    still being used today, with such an important election defying all prognostications, I am
    convinced that fraud is alive and well in America’s raw democracy. If I’m right, Trump won’t
    have a chance in 2024.


    Along with blaming of Donald Trump for the lack of a powerful red wave, the establishment is
    clearly trying to promote Ron Desantis to challenge Trump for the Republican nomination for
    president in 2024.

    While it’s unlikely that most of Trump’s supporters will abandon him, his image with his
    followers has been damaged by his bullheaded and unrepentant support and promotion of the
    dangerous Covid “vaccines.”

    Trump has said that he would make a “big announcement” Tuesday, Nov. 15, at his Mar-a-Lago
    home, but many mainstream conservatives are calling on him to postpone any announcement
    claiming that his image is now tarnished by the midterm elections. I think the real reason is that
    they want more time to promote DeSantis.

    Besides the mainstream media anti-Trump talking heads, globalists Mike Pompeo and Jeb Bush
    are the latest to back DeSantis for a future president. Former CIA Director and Secretary of State
    Mike Pompeo rushed to defend Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis after former President Donald Trump
    dubbed the Republican “Ron DeSanctimonious” at a rally Saturday evening—a petty comment
    by Trump. George W. Bush praised DeSantis even earlier. It’s like everyone in the establishment
    got the same memo—push Ron DeSantis for president. The Gateway Pundit found even more
    establishment endorsements:

    -Liz Peek called DeSantis the new Republican leader on FOX yesterday.

    -The far-left New York Times this morning wrote that DeSantis just became the GOP front
    runner for 2024.

    -The corrupt far-left architect of the 2020 Election Steal, David Frum, backed DeSantis at
    the far-left Atlantic this morning saying Trump lost the midterms and DeSantis won them.

    -Far-left Politico released a report that Billionaire CEO Ken Griffin is ready to back Ron
    DeSantis now. The article goes on to bash President Trump.

    Frankly, I’m not sure if this is because they hate Trump so much or that DeSantis is not really as
    conservative as he appears right now. But from an elect-ability standpoint, I think DeSantis is
    actually more electable than Trump and that should give Democrats and globalist Republicans
    pause in promoting him—unless they know he isn’t what he seems.

    In any case, establishment endorsements are not a good sign and even a potential problem for
    DeSantis supporters who are also Trump supporters. They will likely view any sign of
    establishment support for DeSantis as a sign that the fix is in for a future conservative betrayal by
    someone who isn’t really a reliable conservative.

    Roger Stone began bashing DeSantis last week on the Alex Jones show saying that Yale
    educated Ron DeSantis is “Skull and Bones” -a reference to the secretive Yale society complete
    with Satanic rituals that conspires to control both sides of the political spectrum. Most
    “Bonesmen” have gone to the Left side of the political spectrum, but William F. Buckley,
    founder of National Review, was also a Bonesman.

    While Buckley did defend many conservative intellectual causes he was suspiciously a
    conspiracy denier when evidence about such big conspiracies about the murders of JFK, Robert
    F. Kennedy and Vince Foster drew clear conspiratorial conclusions.

    The only valid point Stone made about DeSantis is that DeSantis endorsed Joe O’Dea, the Anti-Trump Rino Republican who vowed to work against any future Trump initiatives in the Senate.
    In fact, it was DeSantis’ only endorsement, which is strange. That doesn’t speak well about his
    ability to chose allies in politics. Of course, Trump’s choice of advisors was terrible, not being
    able to discern between those who were Deep State and those who weren’t.

    I checked and there’s no evidence DeSantis joined Skull and Bones, or the other Yale secret
    fraternity, Scroll and Key. After negative press about Skull and Bones alumni gaining access to
    high government position, the secret society has ceased publishing their roster of members.

    That said, former students of DeSantis think he’s overly ambitious and proud of his Ivy League
    background, as the anti-conservative Business Insider wrote:

    Ron DeSantis spent a year after college teaching at a private school in Georgia, per The New
    York Times. Former students said he had a “smug” air about him and was a “total jock” who
    partied with students. Some students recalled DeSantis fondly while others remembered
    “unthinkable” pranks he pulled on students.

    DeSantis, then a 23-year-old graduate from Yale University, used to tell his students that he
    was bound for the White House when he taught at Darlington School, a prestigious private
    school in Rome, Georgia, former students told the Times.

    Not a good sign to be so politically ambitious early on in life. The Daily Mail noted that even his
    wife Casey “intends on being a president’s wife.”

    Barnes described DeSantis, who coached baseball and football, as “very smart” and
    “charismatic,” noting that “people liked him” at Darlington. Some other students recalled the
    Florida governor differently, telling the Times he had a bit of a superiority complex.

    In summary, there’s nothing wrong about recognizing one’s own legitimate cerebral assets, but
    humility is also important to keep from being overtaken by one’s own ego—a problem Donald
    Trump suffers from immensely. DeSantis has done a lot of good things in Florida, but I’ll be
    watching him closely before offering any endorsement.


    Covid Reinfections Hit 7 Vaxxed for every 1 of the Unvaxxed: Data analyst Ethical Skeptic
    concludes this ratio from CDC, Worldometers, Walgreens data. “We have seen repeat bouts of
    COVID among such vaccine promoters as the Bidens, Fauci, Walensky, et al. Could this abysmal
    negative efficacy of the COVID vaccines have something to do with the immune impairment that
    some of us were warning about since way back BEFORE most people had taken the COVID
    shots? [Ethical Skeptic]

    Florida Medical Boards Ban Transgender Surgeries, Hormones for Minors

    The Florida Board of Medicine and the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine approved a new
    rule Friday banning puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and transgender surgeries for
    minors. [Daily Signal]

    TSA Still Requires Legal Foreign Visitors to be Vaxxed. Sadly the US government never
    intends to release everyone (except illegals) from the Covid vaccination mandate. The TSA still
    requires proof of being “fully vaccinated” for visitors to the US. They do, however, accept
    another nation’s grant of exemption. [zerohedge.com]

    Bibi Back in Power in Israel: Bibi Netayahu the corrupt globalist and Kissinger protege is back
    in power after his party won a majority vote in Parliament. Israel continues in its role as the Deep
    State’s key ally in supporting US-backed terror and attacking Syria and Iran who are fighting
    against al-Qaeda and ISIS (also backed by the US). Netanyahu has been under investigation for
    corruption for many years now, but continues to show he has the same defacto immunity as other
    Deep State allies.

    Groundwater Dropping in AZ Due to Foreign Big Agriculture: Workers with the water
    district in Wenden, Arizona, saw something remarkable last year as they slowly lowered a
    camera into the drought-stricken town’s well: The water was moving. But the aquifer which sits
    below the small desert town in the southwestern part of the state is not a river; it’s a massive,
    underground reservoir which stores water built up over thousands of years. And that water is
    almost always still… the water was moving because it was being pumped rapidly out of the
    ground by a neighboring well belonging to Al Dahra, a United Arab Emirates-based company
    farming alfalfa in the Southwest. [CNN]

    Twitter has Massive Drop in Ad Revenue Due to Woke Corporation Boycott The
    establishment is trying to make Elon Musk pay for merely claiming to take Twitter in a free
    speech direction. Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring
    advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we
    could to appease the activists. [Breitbart News] Musk is considering a bankruptcy filing.

    BRICS to Expand Soon The pro-Communist Economic alliance BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India,
    China, and South Africa) is set to allow Saudi Arabia to join, now that the Saudis have broken
    loose from the secret agreements they have had with the US for decades. Last week, President
    Cyril Ramposa of South Africa during his visit to Riyadh announced that Crown Prince
    Mohammed bin Salman expressed the kingdom’s desire to join the BRICS alliance. There are
    other countries (as many as 12) including Turkey and Egypt who have expressed their interest to
    join the grouping, he told the media persons in that country. [Infobrics.org] The world is
    polarizing fast as we approach WWIII.

    Texas Judge Blocks Biden’s Student Loan Edict.  He ruled that Biden did not have the
    executive authority to forgive those loans and transfer the burden to taxpayers without
    Congressional approval


    Car, truck and other vehicle batteries often seem to die in cold weather. Batteries aren’t damaged
    by the cold, but it does slow down the chemical reaction that produces the power at the same
    time that your engine is harder to start in the cold with the engine oil being more viscous and
    everything stiff and cold. It stacks up to a hard task for the battery just when its power level is
    also being sapped by the cold. Your batteries are usually up to the task, but only if they are kept
    fully charged. Batteries are rated by “cranking amperage” (CA) which is measured at freezing (32
    deg. F.), and “cold cranking amperage” (CCA) measured at 0 deg. F. But these ratings are based
    on the batteries at full charge and in new condition. When your battery is not fully charged, and
    the cold reduces it by a further percentage, it is easy to get weak starts or even a “dead” battery.
    Here are some battery chargers and maintainers to keep your batteries up to capacity for the long
    days of winter.

    Battery Tender Chargers: Automatic battery maintainers are smart enough to avoid
    overcharging your batteries. They sense the charge level of batteries and put out more amperage
    power at first and then transition to a tiny float charge when it is full to barely keep it topped off,
    without damaging the battery. Battery Tender brand will automatically keep it at full charge for
    months on end. At the low end of the product line is the “Battery Tender Jr.” with 0.75 amps of
    charging power ($30). This is enough to maintain a battery in storage, and it can slowly recharge
    a drawn-down battery over a day or two, but if you plan on recharging discharged batteries
    frequently, I recommend the 4 amp charger ($56) for faster charging.

    NOCO Genius: For long-term battery care the slightly more expensive NOCO brand Genius
    chargers are nice, because in addition to the automatic charging and float maintenance, they also
    automatically detect sulfation, and take steps to repair it to restore some depth of discharge to
    even old lead-acid batteries. The small Genius 1 (1 amp) is around $30, and the 5 amp Genius 5
    is ($70).

    Solar Car Battery Chargers: If you have a vehicle that is stored too far away from a wall outlet
    consider a solar panel system that will keep your battery topped up when not in use. The solar
    panel can be kept on the dashboard or back window. They don’t generate enough power to
    recharge a spent battery but they can keep the battery maintained. Aaron at Axion Power
    summarizes the pros and cons of these systems and has 5 recommendations that look good.

    Portable Jump Starter: If your battery does fail and you find yourself stranded with a cold car,
    it sure pays to have a portable jump-start battery. Thanks to modern batteries you can now carry
    enough power to jumpstart even large diesel engines in your glovebox or purse. Most of them
    also have USB out ports for recharging a cellphone or other device in an emergency. The only
    downside to carrying them around in your car is they aren’t rated to stay above 75% longer than
    3-6 months. In colder climates they seem to last longer before needing a charge. Fortunately most
    can be recharged in the car from a 12V USB, and they can be left plugged in all the time to a 12V
    plug. The NOCO Boost jump starters are popular and highly rated, and the Imazing IM29 is a
    cost-effective alternative at $99 and boasts 2500A – enough for an 8L gas or diesel engine.

    Be ready to top up your batteries if they show signs of weakness as the weather gets cold by
    keeping a good battery maintainer ready to top them off or keep them charged up during storage.
    If you do get a dead battery be prepared with a backup jump starter so you or your family are not
    caught with a dead battery and car in winter, especially away from home.



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