Loving Life TV

Loving Life TV

Part Two of the video clips collated over the years – these are more exposing the political BS

iFrame is not supported! These video clips (dozens of short ones) will make you laugh, make you angry but above all reflect the reality that the mainstream media cover fake news for their global masters. Part One: https://lovinglifetv.com/2024/04/06/over-many-years-i-have-built-a-special-file-with-dozens-of-short-clips-that-sum-up-what-was-happening-in-the-world-part-one-looks-at-the-covid-scam/ Part Three: https://lovinglifetv.com/2024/04/07/part-three-final-of-the-video-clips-collated-over-the-years-these-are-more-exposing-the-political-bs-and-fun/

Over many years I have built a special file with dozens of short clips that sum up what was happening in the world – PART ONE looks at the covid scam

iFrame is not supported! These video clips (dozens of short ones) will make you laugh, make you angry but above all reflect the reality that the mainstream media cover fake news for their global masters. Part Two: https://lovinglifetv.com/2024/04/06/part-two-of-the-video-clips-collated-over-the-years-these-are-more-exposing-the-political-bs/ Part Three: https://lovinglifetv.com/2024/04/07/part-three-final-of-the-video-clips-collated-over-the-years-these-are-more-exposing-the-political-bs-and-fun/

Scott Balson to retire from live streams and presenting on Loving Life TV but the show (LLTV) will go on

iFrame is not supported! As a result of Scott’s deteriorating eye sight videos posted on Loving Life TV will now be by like-thinking video publishers. Loving Life TV will not disappear – hopefully it will grow with more diverse content. The selection of video presenters will be done by Scott – if you feel you …

Scott Balson to retire from live streams and presenting on Loving Life TV but the show (LLTV) will go on Read More »