DAILY INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO (5 November 2022) – In the forests there is the Western Parotia and its unique strategy of getting a mate
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iFrame is not supported! Extracted from Dr Rapiti’s full live stream – specifically covering the early treatment covid remedies that have worked but are not, because of big pharma’s influence, being provided to the general population.
Dr Rapitis clinically proven Covid Remedies Read More »
iFrame is not supported! Dr Peter McCullough is leading the charge at pointing the finger at a genocidal experimental covid gene technology and the establishment don’t like being exposed.
Until proven otherwise the experimental jab is killing people – Dr Peter McCullough Read More »
iFrame is not supported! Please note: Dr Rapiti’s slides on treating covid will be extracted from this live stream as a much shorter separate video for doctors. Tonight at 8pm I will be talking to hands on GP, Dr Ellapen Rapiti. Dr Rapiti s a Family Physician practicing in the poor suburb of Mitchells Plain,
iFrame is not supported! The emerging middle class in countries around the world are disappearing as the gap between rich and poor grows bigger by the day. Even in countries like Australia politicians spend big on funding overseas nations while ignoring plight of their homeless.
Poverty street is now the fate of the middle class around the world Read More »
iFrame is not supported! Tonight at 8pm I will be talking to hands on GP, Dr Ellapen Rapiti. Dr Rapiti s a Family Physician practicing in the poor suburb of Mitchells Plain, Cape town. He has spoken on several occasions on various aspects of Covid, the disease, its treatment and the politics behind the pandemic
Dr Rapiti – Pfizer Jab loses 44% efficacy in just one month Read More »
iFrame is not supported! Here is the video that received a medical misinformation community strike on The Truth Youtube channel: https://lovinglifetv.com/youtube-give-the-truth-a-community-strike-for-medical-misinformation-at-8am-today-jhbg-time-for-a-video-on-the-eaves-dropping-device-in-eskom-ceo-de-ruyters-car-what-next-i-have-submitted-an/
Youtube censorship and community strikes go against their own policies Read More »
iFrame is not supported! Bought politicians, bought scientists, bought medical authorities, bought media – no wonder they have just voted to jab babies as young as 6 months old with the deadly Pfizer bioweapen – referred to as a safe vaccine by the fake mainstream media.
The genocidal Pfizer curse will kill 19 of 20 people living today. Read More »
iFrame is not supported! Clearly a prominent You Tuber in South Africa is using his contact/s working in Youtube to target my channels. Why else would Youtube give The Truth a community strike for “medical misinformation” for a video posted a month ago covering the allegation that a listening device had been put in ESKOM
iFrame is not supported! Western sanctions against Russia have been considered a powerful foreign policy tool by the US and the EU to paralyze Moscow back to the ‘stone age.’ Though sanctions against Moscow have entirely backfired, sparking the worst cost-of-living crisis for Europeans in a generation. In early September, we first noticed a wave
European citizens demand that their country leave NATO over energy concerns Read More »