Loving Life TV

Spiritual War

 God is getting very angry – this is how humans are becoming debased chimeras – artificially moulded with animals DNA

iFrame is not supported! A chimera is a union of two species into one through the manipulation of their DNA. It was the fornication of the fallen angels with women on earth that led to the great flood and Noah’s amazing boat. In other words the DNA of God’s image being abused – now the …

 God is getting very angry – this is how humans are becoming debased chimeras – artificially moulded with animals DNA Read More »

The world today, in these Biblical times, is ruled by satan – deception is the norm – take Israel for example

iFrame is not supported! As advanced technologies that defy the laws of physics become exposed we have to accept that demonic entities are now working with satanists to fulfil their agenda spelt out in the book of Revelations. Our “reality” is simply a curtain of deception facilitated by the fake mainstream media. Much of this …

The world today, in these Biblical times, is ruled by satan – deception is the norm – take Israel for example Read More »

The issue of permanent destruction of God-given DNA through the jab – something my guest on Monday, Dr Susan Vosloo, asked me not to raise during our live stream

iFrame is not supported! The long term adverse affects of the bioweapon are now becoming apparent. The personality of many people is changing as a new Zombi generation of mRNA vaxxed transform from images of God to images of satan through the destruction of their DNA. Link to my live stream with Dr Susan Vosloo …

The issue of permanent destruction of God-given DNA through the jab – something my guest on Monday, Dr Susan Vosloo, asked me not to raise during our live stream Read More »