Loving Life TV

Under a one world government

Forget about surveillance cameras – robots will be soon mingling with humans on the sidewalk and surveilling you

iFrame is not supported! The early robots, like the early motor cars, are only the domain of the very wealthy or government. The speed with which they have evolved and the use of robots in crime and war in the future is a given. What about the surveillance robots that, in the future, might replace …

Forget about surveillance cameras – robots will be soon mingling with humans on the sidewalk and surveilling you Read More »

Who runs Australia – take the CIA spy station at Pine Gap – humerous and qwirky story about Australians being Australians

iFrame is not supported! The US has CIA spy stations across the world – the most important outside the US is Pine Gap in central Australia. Pine Gap is used to guide long range missiles for the US Defence Force on this side of the planet. Five young guys decide to claim back this patch …

Who runs Australia – take the CIA spy station at Pine Gap – humerous and qwirky story about Australians being Australians Read More »

Rocks as tools carved by humans from the stone age reflect how man originated from Africa – and thus the deception of the WEF

iFrame is not supported! The strategy of the “useless eaters” owning nothing but being happy is based on three unspoken principles:1) First nation people will become the controlled custodians of all land in regions like Australia – under the governance of the World Economic Forum stakeholders;2) Countries like France, US and the the UK will …

Rocks as tools carved by humans from the stone age reflect how man originated from Africa – and thus the deception of the WEF Read More »

Loving Life has always been ahead of the curve and once again our prediction about the masses waking up in 2024 is coming to pass

iFrame is not supported! Loving Life has always received amazing support across the world and our bedrock is not dividing our audience by way of the trick of making some of our videos only accessible by people who are willing to pad our pockets financially. Also known as “ebeggars”. We, Loving Life, were at the …

Loving Life has always been ahead of the curve and once again our prediction about the masses waking up in 2024 is coming to pass Read More »

The implications on alternative media of the extradition of Julian Assange (Wikileaks) from the UK to the US

iFrame is not supported! If Australian born Assange, head of Wikileaks, is extradited to the US by order of the courts this will spell the end of the remaining freedoms we have enjoyed on the platform known as the Internet. Those brave enough to have and promote their own perceptions on the Internet will face …

The implications on alternative media of the extradition of Julian Assange (Wikileaks) from the UK to the US Read More »

Will Julian Assange be sent to certain death in the US this week by the UK judiciary

iFrame is not supported! Tuesday, February 20 is the big day and ‘moment of truth’ for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his legal team. That is when two high court judges in London will hear arguments on whether Assange can appeal a ruling to extradite him to the United States, where he would most certainly …

Will Julian Assange be sent to certain death in the US this week by the UK judiciary Read More »