Loving Life TV


New Zealand now officially criminalising freedom of speech

iFrame is not supported! New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arderne is a Young Global Leader in Klaus Schawb’s World Economic Forum. New Zealand is being used as testbed for introducing draconian anti-free speech laws – equating views that differ from the government being potential terrorism and calling for neighbours to inform on those that do.

New Zealand now officially criminalising freedom of speech Read More »

Doug Casey unpacks just why the World Economic Forum and its members are so dangerous for the world today

iFrame is not supported! Things like the World Economic Forum, and other NGOs (non-governmental organizations), institutes, and think tanks, have proliferated in recent years. They’re almost all destructive parasites on productive society. Almost all of them are leftist, statist, and collectivist in orientation. They’re typically populated by intellectuals and academics and funded by tax-exempt foundations,

Doug Casey unpacks just why the World Economic Forum and its members are so dangerous for the world today Read More »

Top UK doctor Dr Aseem Malhotra who pushed the jab only changes tune when it kills his father – a sad legacy of many of those in the health industry

iFrame is not supported! Dr Aseem Malhotra is double jabbed and blindly accepted the narrative being pushed by health authorities when it came to the lack of treatments and the importance of the experimental use jab. When he jumped ship he, like so many others, was cancelled on social media.

Top UK doctor Dr Aseem Malhotra who pushed the jab only changes tune when it kills his father – a sad legacy of many of those in the health industry Read More »

The fake mainstream media are still covering up the planned roll out of central bank digital currencies (CBDC)

iFrame is not supported! Here on Loving Life TV we have been talking for months about the objectives of Russia and China to establish their own banking reserve currency to break away from domination by the US$. The elephant in the room today is very different – central bank digital currencies (CBDC)

The fake mainstream media are still covering up the planned roll out of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) Read More »

Beware of being sucked into the second digital life and losing your human interaction – in Japan known as Hikikomori

iFrame is not supported! A growing number of people are losing all communication with people in the outside world by moving into a second digital life divorced from reality. This outcome perfectly meets the goals of the World Economic Forum and their one world government agenda. In this video we explore this reality of individuals

Beware of being sucked into the second digital life and losing your human interaction – in Japan known as Hikikomori Read More »